Pink Corner

Donegal Woman Author - Emmet Rushe

Latest Posts | By Emmet Rushe
See all posts by our columnist Emmet Rushe here. Got a question for them? Connect with them by clicking their social icons below.
Exercise is no longer a choice 3 years ago

Exercise is no longer a choice

By  •  Health

At one point in time, people were active enough that they had a choice in whether to exercise or not. 

Their jobs or lives involved lots of movement, lifting, carrying, …
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Why 10,000 steps? 3 years ago

Why 10,000 steps?

By  •  Fitness

Ten Thousand steps per day is universally recognised as the target to hit if you want to be active throughout the day and get your steps in. 

But why Ten …
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5 Steps to being successful at any new goal 3 years ago

5 Steps to being successful at any new goal

By  •  Fitness

Building new habits into your daily routine is a great way to help you to get success with your goals.

It can take anywhere between 14-28 days for something that …
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Eight poor fitness habits you can fix now 3 years ago

Eight poor fitness habits you can fix now

By  •  News

It is very easy to be in a bit of a rut right now with the current situation, but with September coming and everyone heading back into a more structured …
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Fitness: Is spot reduction real? 3 years ago

Fitness: Is spot reduction real?

By  •  Fitness

Spot reduction is where people try and use certain exercises to burn fat from stubborn areas of the body. 

An example of this would be people who do loads of …
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Five great reasons to exercise (that have nothing to do with weight loss) 3 years ago

Five great reasons to exercise (that have nothing to do with weight loss)

By  •  Health

Exercise and weight loss tend to go hand in hand. 

Whenever people think of exercise, the majority tend to be using it as a tool for getting or staying in …
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Fitness: Five exercise myths debunked 3 years ago

Fitness: Five exercise myths debunked

By  •  Fitness

This is the 2nd part of this two part series on Myths.

This one will focus on popular training myths and last week’s blog looked at  popular nutrition myths.You can …
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Nutrition myths to watch out for 3 years ago

Nutrition myths to watch out for

By  •  News

This is the 1st part of a 2-part article for you all.

This one will focus on popular nutrition myths and next weeks will focus on Popular Training Myths.

I’m …
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This one weird trick to help you get in shape 3 years ago

This one weird trick to help you get in shape

By  •  Style

If you have been on the internet in the last few months, you will have seen links to different weight loss products that usually start with ‘This one weird Trick’. 

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Recipes: Three healthy summer smoothies 3 years ago

Recipes: Three healthy summer smoothies

By  •  Food

It’s summer, we are going to give 3 smoothie recipes that are packed full of flavour and taste, but also are full of healthy ingredients for getting your vitamins and …
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What all diets have in common 3 years ago

What all diets have in common

By  •  Health

 If you google the word diet, you will get 93 MILLION suggestions that you can click on relating to the term. 

Diets are a contentious subject and there is so …
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How to prepare for going back to the gym 3 years ago

How to prepare for going back to the gym

By  •  Health

Next Monday, June 7th will see the welcome reopening of gyms and fitness facilities across Donegal.

My own gym Rushe Fitness here in Letterkenny will be opening at 6am and …
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Try the ‘Eat Real Food’ Challenge! 3 years ago

Try the ‘Eat Real Food’ Challenge!

By  •  Health

Eating real food should be what we do every day.

But with the lockdown and the past year of Covid, we are seeing more and more people turning to takeaways …
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Lockdown habits? No more excuses! 3 years ago

Lockdown habits? No more excuses!

By  •  Health

It has been extremely easy to fall into a rut with everything that has been going on. 

I spoke about this at the start of the initial Lockdowns back in …
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No, you don’t need another meal plan 3 years ago

No, you don’t need another meal plan

By  •  Health

With the gyms getting ready to reopen and people starting to think about getting back in shape after the lockdown, it is easy to think that a meal plan could …
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Don’t be afraid to get back to the gym 3 years ago

Don’t be afraid to get back to the gym

By  •  Health

With the country beginning to reopen and life starting to get back to normal, it is important to remember to schedule time for your health and fitness into your routine. 

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Five ways to lose weight – without dieting! 3 years ago

Five ways to lose weight – without dieting!

By  •  Fitness

Let’s face it, dieting sucks!When most think about starting to diet, it usually involves severe restriction or turning to diet products. 

The word diet doesn’t tend to have any positive …
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Fitness: 10 reasons you aren’t seeing progress right now 3 years ago

Fitness: 10 reasons you aren’t seeing progress right now

By  •  Fitness

With everything that is going on right now, some of us have put our progress goals to the side in the hopes of waiting to get started again when things …
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Don’t worry about chocolate at Easter! 3 years ago

Don’t worry about chocolate at Easter!

By  •  Health

This is going to be short and sweet today. After all, most of you are probably still reeling from all the chocolate at the weekend.

Over the last few days, …
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Three recipes for success 3 years ago

Three recipes for success

By  •  Health

Today, I’m going to give you a day of recipes that you can use straight away that are easy to make and they all taste great.

The one thing that …
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Fitness: Why motivation isn’t enough 3 years ago

Fitness: Why motivation isn’t enough

By  •  News

One of the main things I’m hearing from people when it comes to exercise right now is “I just can’t get motivated to do anything”. 

With everything that is going …
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Go Green! Toast to St Patrick’s Day, the healthy way 3 years ago

Go Green! Toast to St Patrick’s Day, the healthy way

By  •  Health

Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone. 

Everything and everywhere is going green today to honour the Patron Saint of Ireland. 

It’s great to see all the businesses around Donegal doing the …
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It’s time to make time for YOU 3 years ago

It’s time to make time for YOU

By  •  Health

Happy International Women’s day ladies. 

Here’s to all the strong women that are looking after everyone else during the times we are in. 

But, today, I’m going to talk about …
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How to combat comfort food cravings 3 years ago

How to combat comfort food cravings

By  •  Health

For some people, cravings for certain types of food seem to arise when they are in a place emotionally, where they are vulnerable. 

It may happen consciously or unconsciously, but …
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Three healthy recipes for a flipping good Pancake Tuesday feast 3 years ago

Three healthy recipes for a flipping good Pancake Tuesday feast

By  •  Food, Health

I have three Pancake Tuesday recipes coming at you today.

They range from the very simple, up to one that is for those who like to get all “Great British …
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Self-Love: Here’s the hardest challenge you will ever do 3 years ago

Self-Love: Here’s the hardest challenge you will ever do

By  •  News

It’s Valentine’s week and love is in the air.

Couples everywhere will be spending the next few days getting organised for Sunday when flowers, cards, chocolates and ‘other things’ will …
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Five low-impact exercises for burning fat 3 years ago

Five low-impact exercises for burning fat

By  •  Fitness

Over the last few years, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) has taken off in popularity. 

Its main selling point is short workouts with a huge calorie burn.

The only problem …
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Why you shouldn’t weigh yourself 4 years ago

Why you shouldn’t weigh yourself

By  •  Health

This is a follow on from last week’s blog on scale weight. 

I’ve had loads of messages from females saying that they were glad to see the article, but they …
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Christmas: You haven’t gained as much weight as you think 4 years ago

Christmas: You haven’t gained as much weight as you think

By  •  Fitness, Health

This past week, I ran a little experiment with myself to see just how much ‘weight’ I had actually gained from all the Christmas drinking and eating I had done. 

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The 10K a day challenge! 4 years ago

The 10K a day challenge!

By  •  Fitness, Health

This isn’t the post I thought I’d be writing as the first one of 2021, but here we are again. 

Yes, we are back in Lockdown. 

No, it is not …
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How to plan 2021 the right way 4 years ago

How to plan 2021 the right way

By  •  Fitness, Health

January is just around the corner, and 2021 is fast approaching.How are you planning to start the New Year?

2020 didn’t go as we may have planned, but that doesn’t …
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Could you manage the 12 rounds of Christmas? 4 years ago

Could you manage the 12 rounds of Christmas?

By  •  Health

It is officially the season to be jolly. 

All the Grinches, Scrooges and Bah Humbuggers can suck it up, because Santa Claus brought his cheer to town!

Maybe I came …
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Sugar and Spice: Four delicious Christmas recipes 4 years ago

Sugar and Spice: Four delicious Christmas recipes

By  •  Health, Life

This week I am going to give you four Christmas themed recipes that you can use over the holiday period.

One is a starter, one is a side, one is …
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What to prepare for on your first day back at the gym 4 years ago

What to prepare for on your first day back at the gym

By  •  Fitness, Health

Today saw the welcome reopening of gyms and fitness facilities across Donegal.

My own gym Rushe Fitness here in Letterkenny opened at 6am and we had our 1st full day …
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You better watch out… for the 5 Christmas coffees with the highest calories 4 years ago

You better watch out… for the 5 Christmas coffees with the highest calories

One thing that is very popular at this time of year is the Christmas themed coffees. 

These usually are coffees at all and are Christmas flavoured Hot Chocolates that people …
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How to look and feel your best this Christmas 4 years ago

How to look and feel your best this Christmas

The goal for most, at this time of year is to get in shape for the Christmas party season. 

While the party season may not be happening this year, that …
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Walking isn’t enough while gyms are closed… and here’s why 4 years ago

Walking isn’t enough while gyms are closed… and here’s why

By  •  Fitness

We are two weeks into this second lockdown and THIS TIME it is a very different affair. 

This lockdown is very different from the last one;

Gone are the long …
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Why this is the right time to set a new health routine 4 years ago

Why this is the right time to set a new health routine

By  •  Health

We are all back in uncertain times. 

Yet again we are back in a situation where so many of us are out of work and confined to our homes.

We …
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It’s time to give your mental health a break 4 years ago

It’s time to give your mental health a break

By  •  News

I’m probably the most relaxed I’ve been in a very long time.

After the week we had last week with Level 5 looming and then not arriving, and then more …
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Try this workout to keep fit at home 4 years ago

Try this workout to keep fit at home

By  •  News

There is a possibility that we may be facing another lockdown in Ireland!

The current situation has increased the possibility of us working from home again with no access to …
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Level 3: Let’s look for the positives 4 years ago

Level 3: Let’s look for the positives

By  •  News

With Level 3 being imposed and more businesses and jobs being put on hold, it is easy to let stress and negativity slip into our daily life.

We have …
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The Top 10 reasons to strength train 4 years ago

The Top 10 reasons to strength train

By  •  Fitness

Strength training gets a bad reputation sometimes as people tend to associate it with overly muscular people like body builders.

This tends to be the exact opposite of what …
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It’s Love Donegal Day! 4 years ago

It’s Love Donegal Day!

By  •  Health, Life

Today sees the return of the #LoveDonegal day campaign to showcase Donegal to a worldwide audience.

Taking part is easy and all you have to do is include the hashtag …
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Meet Karen! 4 years ago

Meet Karen!

By  •  Health

Each year I usually to do a post about ‘Jenny’.

Around certain times of year, ‘Jenny’ seems to voice her opinion about what people do in their health and fitness …
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The top 5 reasons you are not losing weight 4 years ago

The top 5 reasons you are not losing weight

By  •  Health

Weight loss isn’t always easy.

The premise of it is easy.  Create a calorie deficit and you will lose weight.

The execution of this, however, doesn’t always go according to …
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Eight poor fitness habits you can fix now 4 years ago

Eight poor fitness habits you can fix now

By  •  Fitness

Here are 8 poor fitness habits that will keep you from seeing results.

It is very easy to be in a bit of a rut right now with the current …
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Great places to go and be active on your Donegal staycation 4 years ago

Great places to go and be active on your Donegal staycation

By  •  Fitness

We are being blessed with great weather for the past week, so it’s time to make the most of it.

We can’t make it out to our usualy holiday destinations …
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12 things positive people DON’T do: Part Two 4 years ago

12 things positive people DON’T do: Part Two

By  •  Fitness, Life

This is the second part of a two-part blog on the 12 things that positive people don’t do or let keep them from their goals.

There is so much negativity …
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12 things positive people DON’T do 4 years ago

12 things positive people DON’T do

By  •  Life

This is the first part of a two-part blog on the 12 things that positive people don’t do or let keep them from their goals.

There is so much …
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Five high protein breakfast recipes 4 years ago

Five high protein breakfast recipes

By  •  Health

Breakfast doesn’t have to be difficult, especially when you are trying to get your morning protein in.

One question that I get most from our Rushe Fitness members, ALWAYS …
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