Pink Corner


Maria is a local blogger who writes about her own adventures & misadventures as a Thoroughly Modern Mammy.

Thoroughly Modern Mammy:  The joy of soft play 4 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy: The joy of soft play

By  •  Mammy

Once upon a time, the words “Let’s meet at soft play” instiled a sense of dread in me.

I hated it.

Gasp… yes I just typed that out loud… HATED …
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Couples and maternal mental health counsellor to join Inishowen Tea & Toast meet-up 5 years ago

Couples and maternal mental health counsellor to join Inishowen Tea & Toast meet-up

The Tea & Toast group hosts casual meet-ups for mothers to get together and learn new tips and tools for taking care of their own mental well-being.

Mothers of every …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Ssssh Mammy 5 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Ssssh Mammy

By  •  Mammy

“Did you have a nice day at school?” yeah “Any news for me?” No “What did you learn today?” Nuthin “Did you learn anything new today?” Nope. “How are your …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – That Mum 6 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – That Mum

By  •  Mammy

It’s been a bit of a whirlwind for Mammy this week.

Friday was amazing and I am over the moon that my wee blog won the Boots Maternity & Infant …
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Choice 6 years ago


By  •  Life, Mammy

I’ve thought long and hard about whether or not to publish this.

I’ve chosen to. I’ve made a choice.

I’ve changed my mind a thousand times. See that’s the …
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Postnatal depression and wellness topics to be explored at Tea & Toast Buncrana 6 years ago

Postnatal depression and wellness topics to be explored at Tea & Toast Buncrana

The Tea & Toast group hosts casual meet-ups for mothers to get together and learn new tips and tools for taking care of their own mental well-being.

All are welcome …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Boring, Beautiful Routine 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Boring, Beautiful Routine

By  •  Mammy

Oh how I do love being at home with my girlies.

Oh how I so looked forward to the Christmas holidays.

Oh how wonderful the 2 weeks away from the …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – New Year, Still You 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – New Year, Still You

By  •  Mammy

Happy New Year my Lovely Ladybelles.

By now, the trees are down and the house looks alarmingly bare.  It’s back to uniforms and routine and lunches and gymbags…and after 2 …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy: Part Two – Shame on body shamers 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy: Part Two – Shame on body shamers

By  •  Mammy

It seems that last week’s column struck a chord with many of you Glammy Mammies, so the second piece of this might also resonate. If you think that the public …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy: Bump-shaming 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy: Bump-shaming

By  •  Mammy

Yes.  I’m saying it.

Stop body-shaming bumps. Body Shaming happens to all women, of all ages, of all shapes and sizes, all the time…EVEN, believe it or not, during Pregnancy. …
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Helen has the secret to stress-free parenting… and is happy to share it! 7 years ago

Helen has the secret to stress-free parenting… and is happy to share it!

Helen Swierszcz is a parenting coach who has created a class for parents and toddlers to tune into connection, communication and mindfulness.

Ahead of the first class on 12th September, …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Drying your Hair 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Drying your Hair

By  •  Mammy

I wanted to write to all the Mammies and Daddies whose little people are starting school this week.

I waited for the words to come, and then realised I had …
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Do you feel under ‘Mammy Pressure’? 7 years ago

Do you feel under ‘Mammy Pressure’?

By  •  Health

Today mums feel enormous pressure to be the ‘perfect mum’. It can feel at times like a competitive sport. This coupled with social media and the pressure intensifies, as social …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy  –  You will you know? 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – You will you know?

By  •  Mammy

You will , you know!


“Everyone is the perfect parent…until they have children.”


Who said this first? I have no idea.

Who says it now? …
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New course to empower ’empty nest’ Donegal mammies 7 years ago

New course to empower ’empty nest’ Donegal mammies

“Women in the Home…..New Beginnings,” has been created to offer women the emotional and practical support needed to bridge the gap between years spent in the home caring for others to …
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The toolkit you need to mind yourself as a mammy 7 years ago

The toolkit you need to mind yourself as a mammy

By  •  Mammy

Being a mum is one of the most important jobs in any community. We provide food, safety, warmth, clothing, connection, love, and a sense of personal importance to our children. …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy: Another to-do list for first time Mammies 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy: Another to-do list for first time Mammies

By  •  Mammy

You’re expecting your first little minion.  Congratulations lovely.

I hope you’re feeling great and that Bump is behaving.  I’m sure that no matter how far on you are right now, …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – The Perks of the Job 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – The Perks of the Job

By  •  Mammy

What are the best things about being a Mammy?

I know that I usually discuss the trials and troubles of parenthood.

Why is that?

Why do I (and other …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Fishfingers and Solidaritea 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Fishfingers and Solidaritea

By  •  Mammy

Right. Let’s get it said…


This week caused thousands of Mammies in the UK and Ireland to post images of fishfingers and wine or gin, accompanied with defiant and …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – The “Check your child’s hair” note… 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – The “Check your child’s hair” note…

By  •  Mammy


Dirty rotten little buggers.

How many of you are scratching your head already?

Even thinking about them has me ripping the skin off my scalp.  We got the …
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New BUMBLEance comes to the rescue for first Donegal baby 7 years ago

New BUMBLEance comes to the rescue for first Donegal baby

By  •  News

Nine-month-old Oisin Boyle from Glenties was the first special ‘King Bee’ from the county to be taken on the Children’s Ambulance Service. Little Oisin, who has a brain disorder, travelled …
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Style Study – Faye Dinsmore 7 years ago

Style Study – Faye Dinsmore

Faye Dinsmore has had a dramatic change in her personal style selections since her new arrival last year. The Ballintra native is known as one of Ireland’s top models and …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Driving Miss Daisy 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Driving Miss Daisy

By  •  Mammy

Happy Easter Ladybelles!

For many of us, Easter is a time for family holidays or visiting relatives. This week, we drove from Letterkenny to Skibbereen in Cork.

We all …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – A Letter to my Girls 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – A Letter to my Girls

By  •  Mammy

My Darling Mini-Me..

You stopped me in my tracks this morning. I walked past your bedroom door. You were standing in front of your mirror, brushing your hair, with your …
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Baby Saphia’s swift delivery 7 years ago

Baby Saphia’s swift delivery

By  •  Mammy

A relieved mother has revealed how her husband used his shoelaces to tie their new-born baby’s umbilical cord after she gave birth in the back of the family car.

Paul …
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Mammies wanted to play matchmaker for their sons 7 years ago

Mammies wanted to play matchmaker for their sons

By  •  Mammy

The team with the Ray D’Arcy show are recruiting volunteers for the ‘Tinder On The Telly’ game live in studio.

This time they’re letting the mammies take control – because …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Enjoy it while you can 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Enjoy it while you can

By  •  Mammy

Phases and Stages.

Oh how we Mammies LOVE our milestones.

Smiling, drooling, teething, creeping, rolling over, sleeping all night, crawling, standing, first words, first steps etc, etc, etc.  We love …
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Donegal dolls hope to make it big in New York 7 years ago

Donegal dolls hope to make it big in New York

By  •  News

Donegal based company Lottie Dolls has been nominated in the prestigious 2017 Toy of the Year Awards (TOTY) also known as the “Oscars” of the toy industry.

Lottie has been …
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Sanity saving tips to get your baby to sleep 7 years ago

Sanity saving tips to get your baby to sleep

Emma’s first book Go To Sleep You Little BLEEP! is a guide to baby sleep solutions for babies from 0 to 23 months old. The book offers practical methods to encourage babies …
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Irish mammy lashes out after son’s hilarious prank 8 years ago

Irish mammy lashes out after son’s hilarious prank

The Galway man provoked his mother with an unexpected ‘leek in your sink’ prank and captured the priceless moment on video.

John’s poor mum gets more and more frustrated when …
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Don’t swear in front of your mammy! 8 years ago

Don’t swear in front of your mammy!

Killea-native Alice Diver’s online sketches always seem to perfectly capture everyday life and the funny aspects of it all. This time she is taking on the religious Donegal mammy who …
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Adding style and sexiness to baby bumps 8 years ago

Adding style and sexiness to baby bumps

The St Johnston-based online store – Chiq Maternity – started last year and ever since then they have spent their days making sure fashion and the female body compliment each …
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Homecoming nearly gives Donegal mammy heart failure! 8 years ago

Homecoming nearly gives Donegal mammy heart failure!

Homecoming videos are funny and heartwarming, but the shock that mothers are going through might be too much for some.

Children coming home from abroad for the Christmas holidays are …
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Six realistic rules for mammies at Christmas 8 years ago

Six realistic rules for mammies at Christmas

By  •  Mammy

I just spent half an hour reading articles and blogs on “How to Survive Christmas” and “Top tips for Mums at Christmas”… and ooooooh how I giggled.  

It’s true …
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Muriel Quigley is a fiercely proud mum, but still gets nervous! 8 years ago

Muriel Quigley is a fiercely proud mum, but still gets nervous!

By  •  News, Sport

Muriel Quigley remembers clearly the first time her son fought at The National Stadium – more so because of her own experience as her 12-year-old’s.

The nerves then were the …
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What really happens when kids join Facebook? 8 years ago

What really happens when kids join Facebook?

By  •  News

Facebook have just launched a Parents Portal to advise parents on all things to do with the social network.

Social media can seem like a big and scary place once …
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Keep calm and visit Silent Sensory Santa 8 years ago

Keep calm and visit Silent Sensory Santa

One thing on the list for many families this Christmas is a visit to Santa’s grotto. But for children with autism and sensory processing difficulties it can become a stressful …
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Video: This Donegal mammy will make you laugh and cry 8 years ago

Video: This Donegal mammy will make you laugh and cry

By  •  Mammy

One Donegal mammy had the shock of her life when her daughter surprised her by coming home for Christmas.

The growing trend of children coming home early for Christmas and …
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Letterkenny mum sets up the perfect tree for kids 8 years ago

Letterkenny mum sets up the perfect tree for kids

She has taken away the spiky decorations and glass baubles, and replaced them with a collection of soft festive teddies. Santas, penguins, owls and gingerbread men hang from the branches, and …
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Am I a good mammy? 8 years ago

Am I a good mammy?

By  •  Mammy

Life is one big learning curve.

Motherhood is the biggest one of all.

Actually, it’s more a “Learning Circle” than a curve really isn’t it? Because a curve has an …
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