Pink Corner

Donegal Woman Author - Sarah Barr

Latest Posts | By Sarah Barr
See all posts by our columnist Sarah Barr here. Got a question for them? Connect with them by clicking their social icons below.
Are you setting healthy boundaries? 3 years ago

Are you setting healthy boundaries?

By  •  Health

This is always a focus within counselling sessions, a lot of us really struggle with setting healthy boundaries and saying “no”.

When we do, we sometimes feel a huge rush …
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Why you shouldn’t strive for an entirely new you in 2022 3 years ago

Why you shouldn’t strive for an entirely new you in 2022

By  •  Health

With the New Year comes the temptation on setting resolutions, which is great if they are helpful and realistic.

However, we sometimes have a tendency to only focus on the …
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How to manage social anxiety this Christmas 3 years ago

How to manage social anxiety this Christmas

With Christmas getting closer, many of us will feel a mixture of excitement and worry. However, for those of you who live with social anxiety, Christmas can be a very …
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Minding yourself through grief this Christmas 3 years ago

Minding yourself through grief this Christmas

By  •  Health

Any special occasion, like Christmas or any ‘first’ can be so difficult when you are bereaved, with each occasion such as a birthday, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or Christmas bringing …
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7 Beliefs of People with High Self-Worth 3 years ago

7 Beliefs of People with High Self-Worth

By  •  Health

Self-worth is knowing that you are good enough and worthy of love. It is being able to validate yourself from within and not relying on external validation.

Below are 7 beliefs …
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Mica: The mental impact of living in constant fear 3 years ago

Mica: The mental impact of living in constant fear

By  •  Health

Having somewhere safe and warm to live is fundamental to our mental health and wellbeing. 

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is a theory of psychology explaining human motivation based on the achievement of five …
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When things don’t go to plan 3 years ago

When things don’t go to plan

By  •  Health, Life

When things don’t go to plan, it is so easy to focus on the negative thought. We can start ruminating on all the things that aren’t going to plan and …
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Are you an Empath? 3 years ago

Are you an Empath?

By  •  Life

If you are an empath, you probably can identify with the feelings of others. You may also find yourself absorbing the emotions and moods of people around you. This can …
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Revenge bedtime procrastination – how to stop being too busy to sleep 3 years ago

Revenge bedtime procrastination – how to stop being too busy to sleep

By  •  Health

Do you ever feel so busy during the day that you just run out of hours to do the things you actually want? Following to-do lists, running errands and finding …
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Disconnect to reconnect 3 years ago

Disconnect to reconnect

By  •  Health

So much of our time, personally and professionally is being consumed by being present in the online world. Yet we are not always fully present in our real world, experiencing …
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Social Anxiety as lockdown ends? You’re not alone 3 years ago

Social Anxiety as lockdown ends? You’re not alone

By  •  News

Social anxiety isn’t just being nervous or uncomfortable around other people, it can be a debilitating mental and physical struggle.

People who live with social anxiety have an intense and …
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New Minding Mummy workshop launching this May 4 years ago

New Minding Mummy workshop launching this May

By  •  Health, Mammy

Our DW mental health columnist Sarah Barr is launching a new workshop for maternal mental health this May.

Here, Sarah shares an introduction to the Minding Mummy Workshop and how …
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Managing motherhood and lockdown 4 years ago

Managing motherhood and lockdown

By  •  Health, Mammy

The transition to motherhood is a huge transformation for many women, physically, emotionally and mentally. Add a global pandemic and lockdown on top of that and it can be so …
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Toxic Positivity 4 years ago

Toxic Positivity

By  •  Health

Toxic positivity is the assumption, that despite a person’s emotional or mental pain or the difficult situation they may be in, they should only have a positive mindset and outlook. …
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Knowing Yourself

By  •  Life

We can spend a lot of time worrying about our relationships with other people and what they think of us. Yet one of the most important relationships in our lives …
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Managing Stress and Anxiety: A course to build your own wellness toolbox 4 years ago

Managing Stress and Anxiety: A course to build your own wellness toolbox

By  •  Health, Life

Our next “Managing Stress and Anxiety; Your Guide to Well-being” will be taking place on Saturday 16th January, from 10am to 1pm via zoom.

The aim of the workshop is …
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Prioritising your wellbeing in 2021 4 years ago

Prioritising your wellbeing in 2021

By  •  Health, Life

The past 12 months have been like no other in living memory and it is important that we take a compassionate look at our self-development and mental health in 2021.

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The unseen impact of having a baby in a pandemic 4 years ago

The unseen impact of having a baby in a pandemic

By  •  Health

Having a new baby during Covid-19 is not an ideal situation for any mother. Feelings of loneliness and isolation that some mums feel as they transition into the role of …
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Could it be burnout? 4 years ago

Could it be burnout?

By  •  News

If you are feeling constantly stressed you might also be feeling helpless, disillusioned, and completely exhausted and on the road to burnout.

What is burnout? Burnout is a state of …
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3 daily tips to help grow your confidence 4 years ago

3 daily tips to help grow your confidence

By  •  Health

Sometimes we view confidence as something that is so unattainable, but it isn’t really. Confidence can be learned, it is a habit that we can reinforce by repeating certain actions …
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Let your vibe attract your tribe 4 years ago

Let your vibe attract your tribe

By  •  News

I’ve always loved the saying: “Your Vibe Attracts Your Tribe.”

The only way to meet “your people” is to be yourself. If you are pretending to be someone that you’re …
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Why it is important to celebrate your small wins 4 years ago

Why it is important to celebrate your small wins

By  •  Health

So many of us can go through the day completely disqualifying any positives that may have happened. We don’t always recognise what we have accomplished and if we do, we …
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Boost your confidence by showing yourself some self-compassion 4 years ago

Boost your confidence by showing yourself some self-compassion

By  •  Health

We all have that annoying, negative voice in our heads. The voice that criticises, doubts and generally puts you down. Destroying your confidence and feeding your anxiety.

Sometimes we …
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Three reasons to surround yourself with positive people 4 years ago

Three reasons to surround yourself with positive people

By  •  Health

The people who you spend the most time with can influence or change your mood and how you view yourself and your abilities.

When you are surrounded by positive people …
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Mental Strength 4 years ago

Mental Strength

By  •  Health

We still live in a society that somewhat values the “get up and at it” and “pull yourself together” mentality.

For years, anyone who was living with depression, anxiety or …
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Re-entry anxiety: How to adjust to life after lockdown 4 years ago

Re-entry anxiety: How to adjust to life after lockdown

By  •  Health

The lockdown cloud is slowly starting to lift and whilst some of us are eager to feel a sense of normality again in our lives, the prospect of a ‘new …
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Three ways to boost your confidence 4 years ago

Three ways to boost your confidence

By  •  Health

Self-confidence is about trusting your abilities, qualities and judgment.

When you believe in yourself, you’ll be more willing to try new things. Whether you apply for a promotion or sign …
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Men’s Mental Health: What you can do to support a loved one 4 years ago

Men’s Mental Health: What you can do to support a loved one

By  •  Health

International Men’s Health Week runs each year from June 15th to 21st.

This year’s theme is ‘Restoring the Balance’ and everyone is asked to ‘part of the solution’ and do …
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Post-lockdown anxiety: What happens now? 4 years ago

Post-lockdown anxiety: What happens now?

By  •  Health

If you live with an anxiety disorder, or if you have experienced anxiety for the first time due to the pandemic, there are things you can do to help you …
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Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself: How to help boost your self-worth 4 years ago

Don’t Be So Hard on Yourself: How to help boost your self-worth

By  •  Health

When it comes to your self-worth, only one opinion really matters — your own.

Yet we should be very gentle with ourselves as we tend to be our own worst …
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Living with Depression through Covid-19 4 years ago

Living with Depression through Covid-19

By  •  Health

Depression is much more than feeling sad. It is a very real mental health condition and affects the mind and body. Depression affects how people sleep, eat, and see the …
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Caring for yourself and your family during lockdown 4 years ago

Caring for yourself and your family during lockdown

By  •  Health, Kids

The coronavirus outbreak has affected our daily lives. It can be a big adjustment, as we create a new routine at home, with home-schooling and working from home. Tensions might …
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Living through isolation 4 years ago

Living through isolation

By  •  Health

This is a really challenging time for everyone. We have our good days, and our not so good days. Many people will be feeling lonely, isolated and disconnected from the …
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5 ways to create a new routine for your wellness at this time 5 years ago

5 ways to create a new routine for your wellness at this time

By  •  Health

Without a routine, our life can feel stressful and unpredictable. If you have a mental health condition, this unpredictability and lack of structure can cause you extra stress, worry, as …
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15 wellness tips for self-isolation 5 years ago

15 wellness tips for self-isolation

By  •  Health

The main focus at the minute with my clients, myself, my friends, my family and probably the majority of people is how can we care for our emotional and mental …
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Minding your mental health during Covid-19 5 years ago

Minding your mental health during Covid-19

By  •  Health

This is an unsettling time for us all, therefore it’s important to remember the facts and only listen or follow reliable news sources.

Anxiety creates repetitive, intrusive and fear-based thoughts. …
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Four ways to stay motivated during Covid-19 5 years ago

Four ways to stay motivated during Covid-19

By  •  Health

We are living with quite a bit of uncertainty at the minute. Our routines have been turned upside down, our daily schedules have changed and we may find it harder to motivate ourselves.

Here are 4 tips that can help us to self-motivate:

1. Welcome the challenge.

Embrace this time.

Is there anything you would like to learn or upskill in?

Re-write your daily routine. Get up and get dressed every day and face your day with a plan. Set a goal, such as clearingcout cupboards, baking, reading, calling a friend or listening to a guided meditation or breathing relaxation technique on YouTube.

2. Reflect on your motivation.

Look back on times in your life, when you were motivated. What was the underlying driver? Why did you do it? For yourself, your family or your work?

Tap into these reasons again.

This is what drives the ‘initiation phase’ and it requires focus to change our daily routines and to start new habits.

3. Self-regulation.

Self-regulation is about managing our own behaviour. This is not just about having self-control, it also involves goal setting and starting and maintaining good habits.

Creating an adaptive mindset, will help you to have the ability to adapt your goals, attitude and habits in response to the changes you may face.

4. Goal-Setting.

Many of our goals have gone or they seem uncertain. So, set a new one!

Take time and think about what you would like to do. Perhaps you may consider going down a different work path, or learn a new skill or it may be an opportunity for you to catch up on paperwork. Perhaps set some shorter, medium and longer-term flexible goals.

This pandemic provides a unique chance to reflect and recharge.

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We’re all in this together 5 years ago

We’re all in this together

By  •  Health

Fear and anxiety can drive us to become very self-focused. Yet our choices affect everyone around us.

We are all connected to each other, our actions will impact others.

It …
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Five ways to become more confident 5 years ago

Five ways to become more confident

By  •  Health

If you don’t believe in yourself, how can others believe in you?

  1. Challenge your self-limiting beliefs

When we are children we believe we can do anything, but …
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How to create your own journal 5 years ago

How to create your own journal

By  •  Health

A journal can be a great outlet for stress, negative feelings and worry. It helps to create new positive thinking habits, grows self-awareness, gives you more focus and it can …
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How to create a vision board 5 years ago

How to create a vision board

By  •  Health

I love vision boards, for me they’re an opportunity to think about what you would like in your life, big or small. They are one of the best visualisation tools.

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New Year’s Eve – Letting go and moving forward 5 years ago

New Year’s Eve – Letting go and moving forward

By  •  Health

This New Year’s Eve why not start a new tradition. Let go of any negativity that has affected you over the past year or decade! And set some new intentions …
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Three things to know this Christmas if your loved one is living with a mental illness 5 years ago

Three things to know this Christmas if your loved one is living with a mental illness

By  •  Health

Invitations for family gatherings and christmas parties are starting to arrive with more guaranteed to come. For some, it will be a rush of excitement, laughing with friends and spending …
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Are you a Highly Sensitive Person? 5 years ago

Are you a Highly Sensitive Person?

By  •  Health

Are you a highly sensitive person?

Do you feel like you reflect on things more than everyone else? Do you often worry about how other people feel? And do you …
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5 ways to bring positivity into your life 5 years ago

5 ways to bring positivity into your life

By  •  Health

Being positive will impact your life in so many ways. Your relationships with others will improve as people are drawn to positive people and your stress levels will decrease helping …
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Facing social anxiety 5 years ago

Facing social anxiety

By  •  Health

Social anxiety, put simply, is the fear of social situations.

Living with social anxiety can be frustrating and overwhelming. Your mind is constantly jumping to the worst case scenario. …
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Managing your negative thoughts 5 years ago

Managing your negative thoughts

By  •  Health

Negative thoughts can spontaneously pop into our heads, sometimes in an intrusive and critical way.

It can happen whilst you’re having a coffee with a friend. When suddenly a negative …
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Saying No 5 years ago

Saying No

By  •  Health

Why is it so difficult to say “no”?

Having people think negatively of you is the ultimate rejection. This is a reason many people find it difficult to say “no”. …
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Your future is not defined by your Leaving Cert results 5 years ago

Your future is not defined by your Leaving Cert results

By  •  Health

If you received your Leaving Cert results today, please do not let them dictate your future and the person who you are.

I cried when I received mine, and not …
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Tidy House = Tidy Mind? 5 years ago

Tidy House = Tidy Mind?

By  •  Health

The benefits of a tidy and organised home are obvious.

Cleaning can be an outlet for energy and negative emotions. Removing dust, dirt and clutter from our environment provides you …
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