Pink Corner

Donegal Woman Author - Niamh Shields

Latest Posts | By Niamh Shields
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College Corner: Thoughts every grad has after college 5 years ago

College Corner: Thoughts every grad has after college

By  •  Life

It’s still hard to believe that I’m graduating with a 2:1 degree. 

Life after college is different from what I had expected. 

I envisioned myself to be like Elle Woods, …
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College Corner: The surprising things you learn at university 5 years ago

College Corner: The surprising things you learn at university

By  •  Life

College is finished!

What an incredible three years it has been. Dublin City University was the place where I guess you could say, helped shape me become the woman …
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College Corner: The perfect podcasts for chill-out time 5 years ago

College Corner: The perfect podcasts for chill-out time

By  •  Life

Feeling stressed about studying, CAO choices, graduate programmes, thesis preparation, etc? Need ways to de-stress?

Don’t worry dolls and gents, College Corner is back, and I’ve got you covered …
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College Corner: How to beat stress and enjoy the journey 6 years ago

College Corner: How to beat stress and enjoy the journey

By  •  Life

Endless amounts of Starbucks’ soy latte mochas, concealer to cover humongous eye bags, Rescue Remedies on stand-by and trips to the library, means one thing – Final Year Season.

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College Corner: Keep calm, it’s the season finale 6 years ago

College Corner: Keep calm, it’s the season finale

By  •  Life

‘School and College years are the quickest years of your life, be sure and cherish them’

Young people out there will roll or have rolled their eyes at that comment. …
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College Corner: Life after Leaving Cert 6 years ago

College Corner: Life after Leaving Cert

By  •  Life

Results are out, you’re free!

Never did you think the day would come, you finally broke up with the old Leaving Certificate, what a messy relationship that was! With …
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College Corner: Summertime self-care 6 years ago

College Corner: Summertime self-care

By  •  Life

Sunshine, beach days, summer jobs, a packed Letterkenny dance floor and the return of Love Island means one thing, Summer Time!

Summer can be a fun time especially for …
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Study Corner: Sunshine out, Leaving Certificates in, always the case! 6 years ago

Study Corner: Sunshine out, Leaving Certificates in, always the case!

By  •  Life

Hope everyone is preparing and keeping well for the upcoming exams. Do not worry, in no time it will be summer and you will be LC free, woohoo!

Here are …
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College Corner: What I learned after leaving secondary school 6 years ago

College Corner: What I learned after leaving secondary school

By  •  Life

‘Secondary School, the best days of your life.’

My Dad’s favourite saying!

Secondary school student me, use to HATE that saying. Although my times in Loreto Community School Milford were …
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College Corner: Sunday student prep 6 years ago

College Corner: Sunday student prep

By  •  News

Ah, Sundays, my favourite day of the week. Sunday walks with mum and Marie, movies with Dad, sibling fights with Dom, and a John Mc Ginley Travel catch-up with my …
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College Corner: Tips for tackling homesickness 6 years ago

College Corner: Tips for tackling homesickness

By  •  Life

I can recall my first night in college so clearly, I was a new first year excited to start her new life, her new Dublin world as an independent woman. …
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College Corner: The ultimate guide to the CAO 6 years ago

College Corner: The ultimate guide to the CAO

By  •  News

I loved my Leaving Cert as crazy as that sounds, but I did.

I loved being organised, getting into a study routine, being excited for the various events such as …
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College Corner: New Year’s resolutions for students 7 years ago

College Corner: New Year’s resolutions for students

By  •  Life

Here are a few of my College Resolutions, can you relate?

  • Get Organised:

Yes, we all are guilty of not being organised and stressing with assignment …
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College Corner: A case for a sober night out 7 years ago

College Corner: A case for a sober night out

By  •  Life

It can be argued that some students our age believe that to have the best night out, alcohol is a necessity, but not always!  

Here are the benefits and …
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College Corner: How to keep busy over the holidays 7 years ago

College Corner: How to keep busy over the holidays

By  •  Life

Hi all, apologies it has been a while since I have written a post. November and early December is very college student’s nightmare with endless assignments, exams and presentations.  But …
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College Corner: How to maintain a long distance relationship 7 years ago

College Corner: How to maintain a long distance relationship

By  •  Life

‘Distance makes the heart grow stronger’


I love every single aspect of college life, that sense of freedom, making new friends, learning about the subjects I love and most …
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College Corner: A student’s guide to keeping calm during Leaving Cert year 7 years ago

College Corner: A student’s guide to keeping calm during Leaving Cert year

By  •  News

Hi All,

Ah, the Leaving Certificate year, I still get cold sweats from thinking about the year itself.

It’s crazy to believe it has been two years since I tackled …
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College Corner: A nervous culchie’s guide to Dublin Bus 7 years ago

College Corner: A nervous culchie’s guide to Dublin Bus

By  •  Life

Hi all,Ah Dublin Buses, they are both a mixture of fear and pleasure! I remember my first few experiences, my inner Culchie just wanted to click my Penneys’ finest boots …
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Introducing – College Corner with Niamh Shields 7 years ago

Introducing – College Corner with Niamh Shields

By  •  Life

Hello and a warm welcome to the new Donegal Woman column ‘College Corner.’

Let me introduce myself, my name is Niamh Shields, a Donegal second year English and …
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