Pink Corner


Alexandra Manning is a Wedding Planner and founder of She has years of experience working with the wedding suppliers, venues and couples to plan seamless wedding days. Got a question for her? Contact her on the social media links below:

Making time for each other on your wedding day 6 years ago

Making time for each other on your wedding day

Couples spend anywhere from 1- 2 years on average planning their wedding. That is a lot of time and effort and love put into planning their big day.

Yet the …
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Five tips to help your relationship this Valentine’s Day 7 years ago

Five tips to help your relationship this Valentine’s Day

By  •  Health, Life

“Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction”- Antoine de Saint-Expupery.

A starry-eyed, swept of your feet romance is what we …
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Valentine’s Day – What is it all about anyway? 7 years ago

Valentine’s Day – What is it all about anyway?

By  •  Health

 “Be with someone who makes you happy!”

It is believed Valentine’s Day began as an early Christian celebration, of a saint named Valentinus. So it had absolutely nothing to …
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So, you’re engaged! Now what? 8 years ago

So, you’re engaged! Now what?

By  •  Bridal

You’re engaged. Congrats! Your partner finally took the hint and popped the question or like the increasing majority you agreed as two consenting adults that it was time to get …
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How long does the honeymoon period last? 8 years ago

How long does the honeymoon period last?

The honeymoon period; that time in a relationship when everything is still fresh, new and exciting. After a while, you can become comfortable with our partner (sometimes too comfortable!) and …
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