Pink Corner

Donegal Woman Author - Alexandra Manning

Latest Posts | By Alexandra Manning
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An insider’s Wedding Fair survival guide 6 years ago

An insider’s Wedding Fair survival guide

Hello all of you beautiful brides and grooms to be! I can’t believe we are in July already, this year is flying and I know that if you are planning …
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The Royal Wedding: We’re ready to be inspired 6 years ago

The Royal Wedding: We’re ready to be inspired

The countdown is well and truly on to the Royal Wedding and like many of you I am so excited to see what styles have been chosen from the flowers, …
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Wedding Inspiration: Four Donegal’s best profiles to follow 6 years ago

Wedding Inspiration: Four Donegal’s best profiles to follow

Planning a wedding is so exciting and of course us brides-to-be flock online to research all things weddings!

There are so many fantastic sites out there to go to for …
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Calling all couples: Would you like to share your REAL wedding stories? 6 years ago

Calling all couples: Would you like to share your REAL wedding stories?

One of my favourite things to do is to share all of the tips and tricks I have learned over the years as a wedding planner to help you to …
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The best ways to book your wedding entertainment 6 years ago

The best ways to book your wedding entertainment

Food and Music, these are the two biggest things that people will remember from your wedding and will talk about for weeks or even months afterwards too. So it’s natural …
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Making time for each other on your wedding day 6 years ago

Making time for each other on your wedding day

Couples spend anywhere from 1- 2 years on average planning their wedding. That is a lot of time and effort and love put into planning their big day.

Yet the …
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Introducing: Wedding columnist Alexandra Manning! 7 years ago

Introducing: Wedding columnist Alexandra Manning!

A big hello to all of the readers! I am absolutely thrilled to join the wonderful team of writers here and to bring you all an insight into the …
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