Author Emma Hannigan sadly lost her 11 year battle with breast cancer this morning.
After discovering that she was carrying a potentially deadly cancer carrying gene, BrCa 1 in 2005, she made the tough decision to have both of her breasts and both of her ovaries removed with the hopes of preventing cancer striking.
Sadly in 2007, Emma was diagnosed with breast cancer in the neck, shoulder, and under her arm. She was also diagnosed with dermatomyositis, an auto-immune disease that affects the muscles.
Emma, from Wicklow, battled cancer ten times over the past 11 years, but sadly lost her battle earlier today.
Emma spent her last month leading a campaign to fundraise as much as possible for Breast Cancer Ireland, raising a remarkable €100,000 for the cause.
Dearest friends, your support has meant the world to me. Let’s work together and beat 100k in donations! #HelpEmmaHelpOthers txt CURE to 50300 @BreastCancerIre
— Emma Hannigan Author (@MsEmmaHannigan) February 26, 2018
Since her passing, thousands of tributes have poured in on social media.
Broadcaster and friend Elaine Crowley said: “She was such an inspiration to all of us and will be sadly missed. Our thoughts are with her family. She will always be in our hearts.”
Last month Emma (45) revealed that her medical team “have thrown everything but the kitchen sink at this fight but all avenues have now been exhausted.”
In a heartbreaking blog post, she wrote: “I am broken-hearted at having to say goodbye so if it’s alright we’ll say farewell instead…
“Mind each other. Be kind to each other and hold those you love close by.
“Life is so very precious. We never know the day or hour that it will be whipped away. So fill your days with as much happiness as you can muster.
“Farewell and thank you, I am taking a bow. Until we meet again may all that is good and decent be yours.”