If you fancy starting a new gardening hobby - now is the time to do it!

Donegal community gardener Joanne Butler is calling on everyone to get green fingered during the Covid-19 isolation period.

Joanne, founder of OURganic Gardens and a member of ChangeMakers Donegal, has started a campaign #getgrowingdonegal to help and encourage people in Donegal to get growing vegetables this year in a bid to stay together while apart. 

Joanne Butler

In these times where all businesses are having to adapt and become more resilient to change, OURganic Gardens has started a live Facebook video workshop every Sunday and Wednesday at 1pm.

You can tune in to say hello, ask questions and get up to date garden advice from watching what Joanne is at in her potting shed.

Joanne is also calling on the public to share their garden photos to her Facebook page – OURganic Gardens, which in turn will help and encourage others to do the same. 

“With Spring poking its head around the corner this is usually a time we all look forward to so why not make this the year where we all get out to the garden and grow together,” Joanne said.

With lots of spare time on her hands, Joanne has also started a YouTube channel with one minute wonders to quickly get you the advice you need and to get out to the garden to grow. She is also offering one on one guidance remotely with the help of technology which is really helping her adapt quickly and still keep the focus of growing community and growing food. 

For more information you can check out their website www.ourganicgardens.ie or social media by searching OURganic Gardens.