Pink Corner

weight loss

Emmet Rushe, owner and operator of Rushe Fitness, gives expert advice for ladies wanting to get in shape.

How to lose weight… without dieting 5 years ago

How to lose weight… without dieting

By  •  Health

Let’s face it.

Conventional dieting doesn’t work!

Every year, the number of ‘diets’ on the market gets bigger and bigger with each one claiming that theirs is the one that …
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Can eating pasta help with weight loss? 6 years ago

Can eating pasta help with weight loss?

By  •  Fitness

Good news for pasta lovers, a new study in the BMJ has been looking at the effects of eating pasta on weight loss, BMI and waist circumference.

It was suggested …
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Don’t eat chocolate! And other motivational nonsense 6 years ago

Don’t eat chocolate! And other motivational nonsense

By  •  Fitness

This is going to be short and sweet today. After all, it is a Bank Holiday and most of you are probably still in bed.

I am pre-empting an early …
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Want to get in shape for summer? Start now! 6 years ago

Want to get in shape for summer? Start now!

By  •  Fitness

We have one week left in March. April will soon be upon us and that means that we have only 12-16 weeks until the summer holiday season kicks off.

The …
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Low intensity exercising for weight loss that works 6 years ago

Low intensity exercising for weight loss that works

By  •  Health

Over the last few years, HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) has taken off in popularity.

Its main selling point is short workouts with a large calorie burn.

The only problem …
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Don’t let the ‘success’ of others put you off 7 years ago

Don’t let the ‘success’ of others put you off

By  •  Health

Social media is a both a blessing and a curse.

It allows us to keep in touch with friends and family around the world and also to ‘see inside’ their …
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Don’t compare your weight loss to others 7 years ago

Don’t compare your weight loss to others

By  •  Health

The January resolutions are in full swing.

Everyone is making some sort of healthy change to their activity levels or their diets.

When you see that 80% of resolutions fail …
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Woman’s Words: Feel Lighter Forever 7 years ago

Woman’s Words: Feel Lighter Forever

By  •  News

This week Moville writer Sharon Thompson shares another tale exploring the life of local people.

Each Sunday this series will showcase works of literature written by local women for readers …
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Don’t compare your weight to others 7 years ago

Don’t compare your weight to others

By  •  Fitness

One of the biggest mistakes you can make, is to compare your rate of weight loss to someone else’s.

Everyone has different starting points. Everyone has different activity levels Everyone …
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The side to dieting that no one talks about 7 years ago

The side to dieting that no one talks about

By  •  Health

Dieting is thought of as 2 parts.

  1. Losing weight
  2. Gaining weight

That is usually how the conversations go about it and that is usually where they stop.

However, …
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This is what you should do when weight loss stalls 7 years ago

This is what you should do when weight loss stalls

By  •  Health

Weight loss stalling when dieting is not uncommon. In fact, I’d hazard a guess that weight loss stalls are the downfall of the majority of diets

If you have ever …
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THIS is the secret behind Holly Willoughby’s weight loss 7 years ago

THIS is the secret behind Holly Willoughby’s weight loss

By  •  Health

Holly Willoughby made the news during the week as speculation grew over how she achieved her new figure.

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Weight loss is simple, not easy 7 years ago

Weight loss is simple, not easy

By  •  Health

This article might not go down well with some.

It might touch on a nerve or two.

But it’s time to realise that everything we do is a choice.

Whether …
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Is eating healthy preventing you from losing weight? 7 years ago

Is eating healthy preventing you from losing weight?

By  •  Health

I hear it all the time in consultations. You may have even said it yourself at one stage or another.  It is one of the most confusing things for most …
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5 Things You Should Know About Losing Weight 7 years ago

5 Things You Should Know About Losing Weight

By  •  Health

Weight loss can be a frustrating thing.

  • How much should you be losing each week?
  • What if weight loss stops?
  • What am i allowed to eat?
  • Will I be …
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Seven female training myths 7 years ago

Seven female training myths

By  •  Health

Today I am going to lay out a few myths that just won’t seem to die when it comes to women and training. I hear these on a regular basis …
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Jennifer’s incredible weight loss transformation 7 years ago

Jennifer’s incredible weight loss transformation

Jennifer McAnaney has successfully lost two stone by following the Slimming World diet!

Along with mum Mary, Jennifer attends the Newtowncunningham group run by Anne Marie McGee and the unstoppable mammy/daughter …
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Mary drops 3 stone in 6 months: “If I can do it, so can you!” 7 years ago

Mary drops 3 stone in 6 months: “If I can do it, so can you!”

By  •  Life

Mary Mc Ananey lost 3 stone and 1 pound since joining Slimming World a little over six months ago.

Speaking about her transformation, Mary says; “I hate this before photo …
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Be careful about weight loss myths 8 years ago

Be careful about weight loss myths

By  •  Health

When it comes to weight loss everyone has an opinion, and I mean EVERYONE! Every single day I hear countless stories from clients and members of the gym, all of …
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How to lose weight and keep it off – for good 8 years ago

How to lose weight and keep it off – for good

By  •  Health

It’s probably the most asked question when it comes to health.

‘How can I lose weight and keep it off for good?’

First things first;

If you are hoping that …
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