Pink Corner

room junkie

Anne Tuohy of Room Junkie is a nationally acclaimed, award winning Interior Designer, based in Donegal. A former RTE Showhouse winner, she has also featured on national radio and in many prestigious magazines.

Interiors: Five decluttering mistakes we make, and how to stop them 4 years ago

Interiors: Five decluttering mistakes we make, and how to stop them

By  •  Interiors

1. Not picking a focused area to declutter

If you are trying to declutter your home, don’t just pick and choose an item here and there to clear. This cherry-picking …
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Interiors: 3 ways that Covid-19 will change interior design forever 4 years ago

Interiors: 3 ways that Covid-19 will change interior design forever

By  •  Interiors

1. Design in the home will deliberately enhance and support physical and mental health

The realisation that good interior design has the capacity to improve mental and physical health will …
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Interiors: Three fun projects to keep you busy 4 years ago

Interiors: Three fun projects to keep you busy

By  •  Interiors

I hope that you are all well and finding ways to cope with these strange times that we are living through. For me, keeping myself busy really helps.

Here …
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Interiors: Transform your home, the Room Junkie way 5 years ago

Interiors: Transform your home, the Room Junkie way

By  •  Interiors

Are you near Donegal? Would you just love to sort out your house and simplify your life?

Or do you have a loved one who would like to do this?

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Interiors: Detoxing – your home will thank you for it 5 years ago

Interiors: Detoxing – your home will thank you for it

By  •  Interiors

I love the month of September. In many ways, it’s a cleansing month, just like January. Kids are back to school and college, and our life falls into a comfortable …
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Interiors: So, are you all set for Christmas? 5 years ago

Interiors: So, are you all set for Christmas?

By  •  Interiors

So, are you all set for Christmas?

I know that it’s only early June, and no, I haven’t lost my sanity!

However if you are building a new home, or …
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Interiors: The Room Junkie Story… so far! 5 years ago

Interiors: The Room Junkie Story… so far!

You all know Room Junkie as a brand and a concept, so I thought that I would share my story with you, and introduce you to the person behind the …
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Anne Tuohy hosting special interiors secrets masterclass in aid of Conall Shiels 5 years ago

Anne Tuohy hosting special interiors secrets masterclass in aid of Conall Shiels

By  •  Interiors

High 5 for Conall!

I will be hosting the most special Masterclass for the most special little boy on April 7th in Letterkenny.

Conall Shiels was born with hydrocephalus, a …
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Interiors: How to help your home survive pet shedding season 5 years ago

Interiors: How to help your home survive pet shedding season

By  •  Interiors

This will obviously not apply to everyone, but for those of you who are cracking up due to excessive pet hair being shed, you will appreciate every nugget.

Our beloved …
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Interiors: Does your home get enough light? 5 years ago

Interiors: Does your home get enough light?

By  •  Interiors

None of us can have too much light coming in to our homes. Good light enhances our mood, our sense of well-being and our mental health. Whenever I am helping …
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Anne Tuohy ‘absolutely thrilled’ with UK Dragon recognition 5 years ago

Anne Tuohy ‘absolutely thrilled’ with UK Dragon recognition

Anne Tuohy, aka Room Junkie, is the only Irish Interior Designer to be personally chosen by former UK Dragon investor Theo Paphitis as a winner of his #SBS business awards.

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Interiors: The secret to finding your perfect shades of grey 5 years ago

Interiors: The secret to finding your perfect shades of grey

By  •  Interiors

I know that grey colours are notoriously tricky to get right, but when you do have the right grey in the right space, you achieve a colour palette that is …
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Interiors: How plan and design the perfect room 6 years ago

Interiors: How plan and design the perfect room

By  •  Interiors

You know the symptoms!

You have a room that you really want to sort out, but you haven’t a clue where to start, what order to do everything in, and …
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