If you've always wanted to do a furniture transformation project, now is the time to try one of these three easy ideas from Interior Designer Anne Tuohy.
I hope that you are all well and finding ways to cope with these strange times that we are living through. For me, keeping myself busy really helps.
Here are some simple things that you will keep you busy over the weekend:
Upholster a small chair

I can do this, so can you.
Take an old chair, and strip off the fabric.
Keep the upholstery trim and tacks to reuse when you are finished.
If you wish to repaint the chair, now is the best time to do it.
Using the fabric that you have removed as a template, cut out your new fabric, and position it neatly. Now use a staple gun to fix it in place.
Reapply the upholstery trim, and you are finished. How difficult was that?
Paint a piece of furniture

The cheapest and easiest way to revamp an old piece of furniture is by painting it.
If you need to prime it first, my favourite primers are BIN or Bullseye 123, both made by Zinsser.
Then add a coat or two of a satinwood or eggshell paint, you can use a small roller to speed things up, remembering a light sanding between coats.
You can add decorative knobs like I did here. These were actually expensive enough, but a little trick is to use cheap timber knobs, and spray them in silver or gold, or whatever colour you want.
Assemble a home office desk

I have recently discovered Logu and their ingenious, easily assembled home office desk.
It is sturdy, comfortable and can be put together or taken apart in under 60 seconds. The perfect solution as we continue to work and school from home.
It is also extremely stylish and affordable.
Did I also mention that they are a local Donegal based company, manufacturing here and delivering worldwide?
Daily inspiration on Room Junkie Facebook Live
Obviously, all of my ongoing and new client projects have been postponed until our lockdown is over. Amazingly, my salvation has been my 3pm daily Room Junkie FaceBook Live videos.
I started them three weeks ago, to help create a place of distraction and inspiration for my followers and friends. My commitment is to keep them going every weekday, till Covid-19 is no more, then we will have a massive celebration.
It is quite remarkable, but 20,000 people tuned in on the first week alone, and the numbers keep rising. There are people, mostly women, joining in from all over the world, who are saying to me that this interaction gives them a lift, and that it is their favourite part of the day. Can I tell you a secret, it’s mine too!
I would absolutely love you to come join us too. I know that you have an interest in interiors, you will learn lots, and be inspired to make the best of your home, with what you have in it at the moment. You can plan dreams for the future as well.
I cover specific topics every day, which are mostly requested by my viewers, plus I answer any live questions that you might have.
Visit: Room Junkie Facebook