Pink Corner


Emmet Rushe, owner and operator of Rushe Fitness, gives expert advice for ladies wanting to get in shape.

It’s time to live in the now! 6 years ago

It’s time to live in the now!

By  •  Health

Have you ever found yourself getting drawn into work and not realising how much time has gone by?

Have you ever went on your phone to check Facebook or Instagram …
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Events: Team WISE invites Donegal women to find their fresh start 6 years ago

Events: Team WISE invites Donegal women to find their fresh start

The ‘A Fresh Start for Women’ event by the WISE Project was held on Thursday March 22nd to explore the many avenues of employment, education and self-employment that are open …
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Looking for a fresh start? Pop into this women’s motivational morning 6 years ago

Looking for a fresh start? Pop into this women’s motivational morning

‘A Fresh Start for Women’ is a WISE (Women’s Integration, Skills & Employment) Project taking place in the Clanree Hotel on Thursday 22nd March from 10am to 1pm.

The event …
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Words of advice from Twin Towns business women 6 years ago

Words of advice from Twin Towns business women

By  •  Business

Ballybofey & Stranorlar Chamber of Commerce interviewed prominent business women in the Twin Towns and asked what insights and words of wisdom they would pass on to entrepreneurs following in their footsteps.

Annemarie …
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The best piece of fitness advice you will ever get 6 years ago

The best piece of fitness advice you will ever get

By  •  Health

Fitness has exploded in Donegal over the past few years.

The number of people training is on the rise and it doesn’t look to be slowing down.

When I started …
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Events: Donegal Women in Business set out to find their ‘Wow’ 6 years ago

Events: Donegal Women in Business set out to find their ‘Wow’

Business consultant and PRO Evelyn Mc Glynn (Evelyn McMarketing) led a workshop last night in Jackson’s Hotel to give an energising talk on marketing and goal-setting for business.

‘If it’s …
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Got business goals for 2018? Here’s a motivational workshop for you 7 years ago

Got business goals for 2018? Here’s a motivational workshop for you

By  •  Business

Donegal Women in Business Network present their first event of the year on next Tuesday night January 30th in Jackson’s Hotel Ballybofey 7.30pm. Registration from 7pm.

A “Marketing, Motivation and Planning For The Year Ahead” workshop will …
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Don’t compare your weight loss to others 7 years ago

Don’t compare your weight loss to others

By  •  Health

The January resolutions are in full swing.

Everyone is making some sort of healthy change to their activity levels or their diets.

When you see that 80% of resolutions fail …
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What are you waiting for? 7 years ago

What are you waiting for?

By  •  Health

The average life expectancy in Ireland is 81 years.

That is 8 decades + 1 year.

There are 10 years in each decade.

The graph below is where I am …
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Don’t compare your weight to others 7 years ago

Don’t compare your weight to others

By  •  Fitness

One of the biggest mistakes you can make, is to compare your rate of weight loss to someone else’s.

Everyone has different starting points. Everyone has different activity levels Everyone …
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Connect to Grow: A conference of listening, learning and sharing 7 years ago

Connect to Grow: A conference of listening, learning and sharing

The DWIBN Connect to Grow conference was a celebration of ambitious local women from all walks of life and all stages of their careers. Keynote speakers, exhibitions and discussions over …
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Meet Jenny 7 years ago

Meet Jenny

By  •  Health

The blog may be titled “Meet Jenny”, but I can guarantee that you have already met her and probably know her quite well.

Tell me why I don’t like Wednesday – How to survive ‘Hump Day’ 7 years ago

Tell me why I don’t like Wednesday – How to survive ‘Hump Day’

By  •  Life

It seems a lot of people find Wednesday the most difficult day of the week. I always thought it would be Monday but after talking to friends I was surprised …
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Weight training made easy 7 years ago

Weight training made easy

By  •  Health

Entering a gym for the first time can be terrifying! The thought of starting to lift weights can be a nightmare.

You walk into the gym, take one look at …
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5 Things You Should Know About Losing Weight 7 years ago

5 Things You Should Know About Losing Weight

By  •  Health

Weight loss can be a frustrating thing.

  • How much should you be losing each week?
  • What if weight loss stops?
  • What am i allowed to eat?
  • Will I be …
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Inspirational Mary proves it’s never too late to quit smoking 7 years ago

Inspirational Mary proves it’s never too late to quit smoking

By  •  Health

Mary started smoking in the 1940s, when she was 17, and was an addict right up to the age of 80. She battled cancer three times before deciding that enough …
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Let’s banish Blue Monday for good 8 years ago

Let’s banish Blue Monday for good

By  •  Life

The third Monday of the New Year is statistically the “most depressing day of the year” – people are lacking in vitamin D, finances may be low after Christmas and …
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How 2 words can change your life 8 years ago

How 2 words can change your life

By  •  Health

If you were to ask 100 people how they felt whilst on a diet, there would be a few answers that would stand out.

Things like;

Let’s talk motivation 8 years ago

Let’s talk motivation

By  •  Health

Hello and welcome to the Donegal Women Health supplement.

I am Emmet Rushe and I am a Personal trainer and online coach.

I own Rushe Fitness, a thriving gym in …
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