Pink Corner

Donegal Woman Author - Sarah Barr

Latest Posts | By Sarah Barr
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The toolkit you need to mind yourself as a mammy 7 years ago

The toolkit you need to mind yourself as a mammy

By  •  Mammy

Being a mum is one of the most important jobs in any community. We provide food, safety, warmth, clothing, connection, love, and a sense of personal importance to our children. …
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8 signs you’re doing well in life 7 years ago

8 signs you’re doing well in life

By  •  Health

“Take pride in how far you have come & have faith in how far you can go”.

Sometimes it can be difficult to judge how well we’re doing …
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Keeping up with the… 7 years ago

Keeping up with the…

By  •  Health

“Comparison is the thief of joy” – Theodore Roosevelt

Whether it is keeping up with the Kardashians, Joneses or Facebook ‘friends’ we are always looking at that …
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Depression is not a bad word 7 years ago

Depression is not a bad word

By  •  Health

“Depression is the most unpleasant thing I have ever experienced…it’s that absence of being able to envisage that you will ever be cheerful again. The absence of hope. …
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Caring for yourself when you are a Carer 7 years ago

Caring for yourself when you are a Carer

By  •  Health

 “When you are a caregiver, you know that everyday you will touch a life or a life will touch yours”

Carers in Ireland play an invaluable role …
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15 ways to ease anxiety for a good night’s sleep 7 years ago

15 ways to ease anxiety for a good night’s sleep

By  •  Health

“My nights are for overthinking, my mornings are for oversleeping”

It’s 3am.

You’re wide awake, just laying there in the stillness of night.

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How to be happy today 7 years ago

How to be happy today

By  •  Health

“Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.” – Dalai Lama

In today’s article I will look at what strategies we can use to …
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What is your thinking pattern? 7 years ago

What is your thinking pattern?

By  •  Health

In today’s article I’m writing about how to identify your thinking patterns. These patterns are your type of thoughts that you have everyday. Therefore how we think contributes to how we …
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Tips on how be more authentic: Be proud of who you are 7 years ago

Tips on how be more authentic: Be proud of who you are

By  •  Health

Have you ever felt it difficult to be your true self? Find it easier to fit in with what is deemed ‘normal and not to stand out? Worried about being …
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H.O.P.E – Hold On, Pain Ends 7 years ago

H.O.P.E – Hold On, Pain Ends

By  •  Health

This weekend I am so proud to be from Donegal. We have come together in our hundreds to take part in the Darkness Into Light walk throughout our county. Whether …
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The other side of motherhood 7 years ago

The other side of motherhood

By  •  Health

It is estimated that one in five women in Ireland will suffer from antenatal or post-natal depression. Post-natal depression can develop up to 12 months post delivery.

World Maternal Mental Health …
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Loving someone with anxiety 7 years ago

Loving someone with anxiety

By  •  Health

Anxiety is unpredictable, confusing and frightening. It is tough not just for the person who has it but for those who love them. If you are one of …
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Hi! – Five tips to keep a conversation flowing 7 years ago

Hi! – Five tips to keep a conversation flowing

By  •  Health

Conversation is necessary as it introduces us to people. These people include friends, partners and employers. Without an initial conversation, the foundation of these relationships may not be built.

Yet it …
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Mind-Reading: How to stop worrying what other people think 7 years ago

Mind-Reading: How to stop worrying what other people think

By  •  Health

We often worry about what other people think about us. We try to read their minds and guess what they are thinking. The truth is, it is impossible to know …
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Supporting a loved one through depression 7 years ago

Supporting a loved one through depression

By  •  Health

“When I’m alone, I think. When I think, I remember. When I remember, I feel pain. When I feel pain, I cry. When I cry, I can’t stop. Please …
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Words will hurt me… 7 years ago

Words will hurt me…

By  •  Health

“Sticks and Stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”

Remember this poem from your school days?

I think it should read more along the lines …
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How to create your own Healing Space 7 years ago

How to create your own Healing Space

By  •  Health

“A healing space is your own place of peace created through what you see, feel, smell and hear.”

What we see, smell and feel can all help us …
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QUIZ: Are you an Extrovert or an Introvert? 7 years ago

QUIZ: Are you an Extrovert or an Introvert?

By  •  Health

You may have heard of the words ‘Extrovert’ and ‘Introvert’ but may be a little unsure what they actually mean. If you picture a line with extrovert at one end …
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Does your work stress you out? 7 years ago

Does your work stress you out?

By  •  Health

“Stress is not what happens to us. It is our response to what happens. And response is something we can choose”- Maureen Killoran

Stress at work is becoming …
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Forgive yourself – Part two 7 years ago

Forgive yourself – Part two

By  •  Health

“Be gentle first with yourself if you wish to be gentle with others.” ~Lama Yeshe

Forgiving yourself can be more challenging than forgiving someone else. The reason being you …
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Forgiveness: Forgive Others – Part One 7 years ago

Forgiveness: Forgive Others – Part One

By  •  Health

“Forgiving is not forgetting. It’s letting go of the hurt.”

Sometimes it can feel almost impossible to forgive someone who has hurt you. We all make mistakes, …
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Five tips to help your relationship this Valentine’s Day 7 years ago

Five tips to help your relationship this Valentine’s Day

By  •  Health, Life

“Love does not consist of gazing at each other, but in looking together in the same direction”- Antoine de Saint-Expupery.

A starry-eyed, swept of your feet romance is what we …
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Valentine’s Day – What is it all about anyway? 7 years ago

Valentine’s Day – What is it all about anyway?

By  •  Health

 “Be with someone who makes you happy!”

It is believed Valentine’s Day began as an early Christian celebration, of a saint named Valentinus. So it had absolutely nothing to …
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What to do when anxiety overwhelms you 7 years ago

What to do when anxiety overwhelms you

By  •  Health

“Coping with anxiety can be overwhelming. It may trigger your fight or flight response, while using all of your physical and mental energy”.

Living with anxiety every day …
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What to expect when you are no longer expecting 7 years ago

What to expect when you are no longer expecting

By  •  Health

We are given so much advice from other mums, nurses, doctors, books the internet and so on about what to expect when we are pregnant. But what about after your baby …
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How to cope when you are having a bad day 8 years ago

How to cope when you are having a bad day

By  •  Health

Life can be tough at times, and we usually feel when one thing goes wrong, everything goes wrong! Or we might say, ‘I am having one of those days’ or …
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‘Who am I?’- Identity loss 8 years ago

‘Who am I?’- Identity loss

By  •  Health

“Can you remember who you were, before the world told you who should be?”- Danielle LaPorte

This week I have been thinking about identity, how it changes, evolves …
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How to nurture positive young minds 8 years ago

How to nurture positive young minds

By  •  Health

 “Listening to the voice of the child and developing healthy relationships with peers and teachers are essential in creating a positive experience of school as well as their cognitive and emotional development” …
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Self care vs selfish 8 years ago

Self care vs selfish

By  •  Health

Today’s article is about taking care of you!

After all the hype of Christmas and the New Year, many of us will feel a little low in January. We may feel …
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New Year – New You 8 years ago

New Year – New You

By  •  Health

” The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams” – Eleanor Roosevelt

On New Year’s eve, I sit down with my daughter …
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10 tips to a stress-free Christmas 8 years ago

10 tips to a stress-free Christmas

By  •  Health

Christmas can be a stressful time for many of us. With expectations and even perceived expectations of how we should celebrate Christmas. In today’s article I will focus on what …
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Coping with loneliness this Christmas 8 years ago

Coping with loneliness this Christmas

By  •  Health

“Christmas, we are told, is the most wonderful time of the year. Yet for many it is a time of loneliness, isolation and sadness”.

Our society paints a picture of …
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What exactly is counselling? 8 years ago

What exactly is counselling?

By  •  Health

“The  message I want to share is for people to not suffer alone. It is OK not to feel OK and it is OK to ask for help. If you …
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Be proud to be a lost girl 8 years ago

Be proud to be a lost girl

By  •  Health

Are you a Lost Girl? Escaping to Neverland and running from Captain Hook?

At certain times in our lives we may find ourselves lost. Lost in ourselves, …
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Are we desperately seeking approval online? 8 years ago

Are we desperately seeking approval online?

By  •  Health

I am a woman, in a changing and ever-evolving society. I set up my own practice New Beginnings, to help raise awareness about issues surrounding women and mental health.

This is a real illness, and …
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