Pink Corner

rushe fitness

Emmet Rushe, owner and operator of Rushe Fitness, gives expert advice for ladies wanting to get in shape.

Go Green! Toast to St Patrick’s Day, the healthy way 3 years ago

Go Green! Toast to St Patrick’s Day, the healthy way

By  •  Health

Happy St Patrick’s Day everyone. 

Everything and everywhere is going green today to honour the Patron Saint of Ireland. 

It’s great to see all the businesses around Donegal doing the …
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Three healthy recipes for a flipping good Pancake Tuesday feast 3 years ago

Three healthy recipes for a flipping good Pancake Tuesday feast

By  •  Food, Health

I have three Pancake Tuesday recipes coming at you today.

They range from the very simple, up to one that is for those who like to get all “Great British …
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Sugar and Spice: Four delicious Christmas recipes 4 years ago

Sugar and Spice: Four delicious Christmas recipes

By  •  Health, Life

This week I am going to give you four Christmas themed recipes that you can use over the holiday period.

One is a starter, one is a side, one is …
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Stop waiting for tomorrow for that first step into fitness 4 years ago

Stop waiting for tomorrow for that first step into fitness

By  •  Fitness

There is a great quote that has been around for decades.

“If you are waiting for a sign, this is it!”

Every day you have endless opportunities for change.

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Back to the gym? Here’s what to expect 4 years ago

Back to the gym? Here’s what to expect

By  •  Fitness

Monday saw the welcome reopening of gyms and fitness facilities across Donegal.

My own gym Rushe Fitness here in Letterkenny opened at 6am and we had our 1st full …
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Your free 5km walking/running plan 4 years ago

Your free 5km walking/running plan

By  •  Health

There is finally some good news starting to filter back into our lives.

With the start of the phased opening of the country happening today we not only have the …
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Relax, Recharge and Reset 6 years ago

Relax, Recharge and Reset

By  •  Health

It’s okay to eat, drink and be merry for one week in the year.

This week I am not going to preach to you.

There will be no tips …
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Events: Celebrations as holiday getaways are won at Rushe Fitness party 6 years ago

Events: Celebrations as holiday getaways are won at Rushe Fitness party

The fitness community has been challenging themselves to achieve new goals all summer as part of the Summer Shape Up contest. Now in its second year, the challenge is a …
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Can eating pasta help with weight loss? 6 years ago

Can eating pasta help with weight loss?

By  •  Fitness

Good news for pasta lovers, a new study in the BMJ has been looking at the effects of eating pasta on weight loss, BMI and waist circumference.

It was suggested …
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Don’t eat chocolate! And other motivational nonsense 6 years ago

Don’t eat chocolate! And other motivational nonsense

By  •  Fitness

This is going to be short and sweet today. After all, it is a Bank Holiday and most of you are probably still in bed.

I am pre-empting an early …
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Want to get in shape for summer? Start now! 6 years ago

Want to get in shape for summer? Start now!

By  •  Fitness

We have one week left in March. April will soon be upon us and that means that we have only 12-16 weeks until the summer holiday season kicks off.

The …
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Are you afraid to join a gym? 7 years ago

Are you afraid to join a gym?

By  •  Health

Joining a gym can be a daunting experience.

The thought of it can put most people off before they even get the courage up to pay it a visit.

The …
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Don’t compare your weight to others 7 years ago

Don’t compare your weight to others

By  •  Fitness

One of the biggest mistakes you can make, is to compare your rate of weight loss to someone else’s.

Everyone has different starting points. Everyone has different activity levels Everyone …
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Joanne jumps for joy as Rushe Fitness €1000 holiday winner 7 years ago

Joanne jumps for joy as Rushe Fitness €1000 holiday winner

By  •  News

The Rushe Fitness Summer Shape Up challenge came to a grand finale last week when the Letterkenny gym members were rewarded for their hard work.

Letterkenny woman Joanne Gallinagh was …
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Emotional Eating 7 years ago

Emotional Eating

By  •  Health

Our cravings for certain types of food seem to always appear when we are at our weakest emotionally.

It may happen consciously or unconsciously.  Many health and dietary goals have …
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5 Things You Should Know About Losing Weight 7 years ago

5 Things You Should Know About Losing Weight

By  •  Health

Weight loss can be a frustrating thing.

  • How much should you be losing each week?
  • What if weight loss stops?
  • What am i allowed to eat?
  • Will I be …
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Why it is all so confusing 7 years ago

Why it is all so confusing

By  •  Fitness, Health

This past week, an article in titled, ‘The sneaky reason you can’t shift your belly fat’, claimed that caffeine, cortisol and your hormones were the reasons that you couldn’t shift …
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How to lose weight and keep it off – for good 8 years ago

How to lose weight and keep it off – for good

By  •  Health

It’s probably the most asked question when it comes to health.

‘How can I lose weight and keep it off for good?’

First things first;

If you are hoping that …
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The 5 best low calorie alcoholic drinks 8 years ago

The 5 best low calorie alcoholic drinks

By  •  Health

It is officially December and that can only mean one thing; Christmas party season has officially arrived.

With the upcoming festivities and with Christmas being only a few weeks away, it …
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