Pink Corner


Breastfeeding Class to be held in Stranorlar 6 years ago

Breastfeeding Class to be held in Stranorlar

By  •  Mammy

All pregnant woman and their partners are invited to attend a HSE Breastfeeding Preparation Class in Stranorlar next week. 

The event will be run by Public Health Nurses to give parents practical …
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5 signs you are suffering from workplace burnout 6 years ago

5 signs you are suffering from workplace burnout

By  •  Health

Working in a stressful, high-pressured or demanding job can negatively impact on your mental health. This, coupled with issues at home, arranging child care throughout the summer holidays …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – The Logic of a Child 6 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – The Logic of a Child

By  •  Mammy

The logic of a child eh?

I wish I had it sometimes. My almost 6-year-old has it sussed. If I have it, it’s mine. If Daddy won’t buy it, I’ll …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – New Year, Still You 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – New Year, Still You

By  •  Mammy

Happy New Year my Lovely Ladybelles.

By now, the trees are down and the house looks alarmingly bare.  It’s back to uniforms and routine and lunches and gymbags…and after 2 …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – New Year’s Resolutions 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – New Year’s Resolutions

By  •  Mammy

My lazy self has decided that ACTUALLY, I probably should make a few New Year’s resolutions after all.  I’m feeling a bit left out on Social Media today as everyone …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – The Christmas Card Joy! 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – The Christmas Card Joy!

By  •  Mammy

Mini-Me’s Christmas Cards…

I’ve been putting it off and for good reason.

You’d think I would have learned last year… but NO!

Dummy Mummy here made the mistake of thinking …
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Special gifts to treat a Donegal mammy 7 years ago

Special gifts to treat a Donegal mammy

Each year we try to treat mums to great gifts as a way of saying thank you. Christmas presents for mammies are about pampering, time out and appreciation. We’ve created …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – A letter to a Mammy who stopped me in my tracks 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – A letter to a Mammy who stopped me in my tracks

By  •  Mammy

A letter to the Mammy I watched last week.

Last week, I found myself staring at you.

I couldn’t take my eyes off you.

You were dealing with your little …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Drying your Hair 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Drying your Hair

By  •  Mammy

I wanted to write to all the Mammies and Daddies whose little people are starting school this week.

I waited for the words to come, and then realised I had …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy  –  You will you know? 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – You will you know?

By  •  Mammy

You will , you know!


“Everyone is the perfect parent…until they have children.”


Who said this first? I have no idea.

Who says it now? …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Mind yer language! 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Mind yer language!

By  •  Mammy

​I say “we” to include ALL of the members of my family who sometimes swear; you know? Me, The Him… Mini-Me…

In the past few weeks, little Miss Moral Knickers …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – The Perks of the Job 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – The Perks of the Job

By  •  Mammy

What are the best things about being a Mammy?

I know that I usually discuss the trials and troubles of parenthood.

Why is that?

Why do I (and other …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Past, Present, and Future 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Past, Present, and Future

By  •  Mammy

In a week in which our news feeds and minds were filled with tragedy, both at home and overseas, many of us are more emotional than usual.  Well, I certainly …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – “One word from me…” 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – “One word from me…”

By  •  Mammy

“One word from me, and they do what they want.”

I’ve often heard my own Daddy say this, but I never really understood it until I had my own minions. …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy is Off to See the Wizard 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy is Off to See the Wizard

By  •  Mammy

In 2004, I took my little brother and sister to audition for the Letterkenny Musical Society’s ‘Sound of Music’. Both got parts as 2 of the 7 kids, and somehow, …
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