Pink Corner


I am a qualified integrative counsellor with over 6 years experience and founder of New Beginnings Counselling. I also have a BA (hons) degree in Sociology and Social Policy. I believe we are all capable of creating a change in our lives that lead to personal growth and development and sometimes we need a helping hand in making this change. Counselling and psychotherapy can support you, in any area of your life that you may be struggling with or with feelings of anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, anger or stress. It can also help you through major life transitions such as motherhood, a change in living situations or in relationships. By guiding you to reconnect with your authentic self, your values and identity. Improving your confidence and self-worth.  Psychotherapy and counselling are closely linked, however counselling will often focus on the problems and parts of ourselves that we are already aware of. Psychotherapy will go deeper, uncovering things that may be hidden to us or that we are not consciously aware of.  My approach to therapy is a non-clinical and therapeutic approach. My aim is to help decrease negative stigma surrounding mental health and normalising it within our society. We all have mental health and it is our responsibility to care for it, just as we care for our physical health. I also believe in mental health education and I share information, strategies and techniques on how we can best care for our mental health and well-being, through my client work, workshops and in the articles I write. I offer my clients a safe space to talk, to be heard and understood without judgement. Therapy is different for everyone as we are all unique with our own world view. However it often focuses on helping clients to resolve problems, understand their thought patterns, gain new perspectives, learn how to catch, challenge and change cognitive distortions, improve their self-worth and sense of self and build a toolkit full of positive coping mechanisms. Therapy offers you the opportunity to resolve, process and let go of pain and worries that you have been carrying. It helps you to live authentically and with purpose. Prioritise yourself as you are the most important person to you.

Managing motherhood and lockdown 3 years ago

Managing motherhood and lockdown

By  •  Health, Mammy

The transition to motherhood is a huge transformation for many women, physically, emotionally and mentally. Add a global pandemic and lockdown on top of that and it can be so …
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The unseen impact of having a baby in a pandemic 4 years ago

The unseen impact of having a baby in a pandemic

By  •  Health

Having a new baby during Covid-19 is not an ideal situation for any mother. Feelings of loneliness and isolation that some mums feel as they transition into the role of …
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Tidy House = Tidy Mind? 5 years ago

Tidy House = Tidy Mind?

By  •  Health

The benefits of a tidy and organised home are obvious.

Cleaning can be an outlet for energy and negative emotions. Removing dust, dirt and clutter from our environment provides you …
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Why ‘Me’ time is a necessity, not a luxury 5 years ago

Why ‘Me’ time is a necessity, not a luxury

By  •  Health

Life can be hectic, chaotic, noisy…

It is so easy to feel overwhelmed by it all, no matter who you are or what your social media feed or stories say.

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How you can help care for a new mum 5 years ago

How you can help care for a new mum

By  •  Health

Statistics often say one thing about postpartum mood disorders and social media says another. Many new mums feel like they can’t identify with the happy messages being shared on social …
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Motherhood Unplugged – Why we need Maternal Mental Health Day 5 years ago

Motherhood Unplugged – Why we need Maternal Mental Health Day

By  •  Health, Mammy

Maternal Mental Health Awareness Week starts April 29th – May 3rd. Maternal Mental Health Day is May 1st.

As many as 1 in 5 mothers experience some type of perinatal …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Being Mammy, Still Me 5 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Being Mammy, Still Me

By  •  Mammy

Where do you find the time?”

“How can you be bothered?”

“It can’t be worth that much work?”


I’ve been on stage my whole life, first as an Irish …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy: Arriving at Baby Brain station 5 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy: Arriving at Baby Brain station

By  •  Mammy

You are now approaching Baby Brain Station

Imagine a train network. (Yeah I know that this is an alien concept to us up here in Donegal, but hey!)

Your brain …
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Motherhood and Me 6 years ago

Motherhood and Me

By  •  Health, Mammy

Being a mum in today’s world is no easy task, as amazing as it is, it is hard. With all the ‘normal’ duties of motherhood, mums today also have to …
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How to rebuild confidence after becoming a mum 6 years ago

How to rebuild confidence after becoming a mum

By  •  Health, Mammy

Researchers found that most mums experience a significant dip in self-esteem after having a baby that can last up to three years.


This is regardless of the mother’s relationship …
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Let’s start the conversation Donegal Mammies – World Maternal Mental Health Day 6 years ago

Let’s start the conversation Donegal Mammies – World Maternal Mental Health Day

By  •  Health

Today is World Maternal Mental Health Day, May is Maternal Mental Health Month.

This is a serious health matter, that needs more awareness and acceptance. We need to be …
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Do you feel under ‘Mammy Pressure’? 7 years ago

Do you feel under ‘Mammy Pressure’?

By  •  Health

Today mums feel enormous pressure to be the ‘perfect mum’. It can feel at times like a competitive sport. This coupled with social media and the pressure intensifies, as social …
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The toolkit you need to mind yourself as a mammy 7 years ago

The toolkit you need to mind yourself as a mammy

By  •  Mammy

Being a mum is one of the most important jobs in any community. We provide food, safety, warmth, clothing, connection, love, and a sense of personal importance to our children. …
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The other side of motherhood 7 years ago

The other side of motherhood

By  •  Health

It is estimated that one in five women in Ireland will suffer from antenatal or post-natal depression. Post-natal depression can develop up to 12 months post delivery.

World Maternal Mental Health …
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Blogger pens heartfelt letter to her little girl on her first birthday 8 years ago

Blogger pens heartfelt letter to her little girl on her first birthday

By  •  Mammy

Best friend bloggers Leona and Nessa from Cork run Dreaming Always, a site where they share their motherly musings with mammies across the globe.

They aim to unite like-minded women …
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