It’s that time of year again. The Rushe to Raise festive film fundraiser is back!
Everything might be different this year, but local couple Maria & Emmet Rushe of Rushe Fitness and The S-Mum Blog are still running their annual Christmas Movie fundraiser… However this year, they are moving it online, with all proceeds going to the Jack and Jill Foundation.
Usually, hundreds of families and friends meet at Century Cinema to ring in the festive season with the Rushe Family. Over the last three years, they’ve shown The Polar Express, Santa Claus The Movie and last year, who could forget the rascality of The Grinch?

But this year, the Rushes are simply asking that you join them virtually to watch your favourite Christmas movie, from the comfort of your own home.
Anyone anywhere can join in on Sunday 29th November.
Simply choose YOUR favourite Christmas movie, donate, take a photo/selfie and post it on your social media using the hashtag #rushetoraise. Remember to tell us what you are watching too!

The photo can be of your family/housemates, of your telly, of the hot chocolate you’re drinking… as long as it’s Christmassy!
And of course, you can also take part and donate without sharing on social media. Every little helps.
“We are gutted that we can’t meet as usual this year to enjoy the atmosphere, but obviously, an event is impossible. So instead, we are hoping to flood social media with images of smiling faces and in doing so, to raise much needed funds and awareness for the Jack and Jill Foundation.” said Maria.
“Jack and Jill provides families with nursing care, support and end of life care, to babies and young children. So many families around Ireland and indeed here in Donegal, have needed, currently need and unfortunately will need the services of this incredible charity. We only hope that we can help them, even in a small way, in the amazing and important work they do.”
“Rushe to Raise is always a wonderful family occasion and many people see it as part of their annual tradition now. We can’t wait for 2021 to bring it back to the town and to celebrate together, but this year, we will celebrate together, apart.” Maria added.
“Usually, tickets to our event are €10 per person” said Emmet. “Obviously in the current climate, we could never specify an amount. It’s been a tough year for everyone. Every donation, no matter how much, will help. €16 provides ONE HOUR of care to a family, so that might be a guide to people who can donate. We truly will be grateful to everyone who joins in.”
Rushe to Raise will take place on Sunday 29th November and you can post and tag anytime that day.
Make it an occasion.
Dress up. Stay in your Pjs. Have popcorn and hot chocolate. Light the fire.
But most importantly, enjoy!