Counsellor Sarah Barr shares six ways we can improve our workplace experience for better wellbeing.

Today is World Mental Health Day. The 10th of October each year is dedicated to raising awareness of mental health issues around the world and bringing together efforts which support mental health.

This year’s theme is mental health in the workplace. Depression and anxiety are common mental health challenges that impact on our ability to work.


During our adult lives, we spend a large proportion of our time at work. The experiences we face in work can often be one of the main factors affecting our wellbeing.

A negative working environment may lead to mental health problems. By promoting initiatives that support mental health, like offering wellbeing/mindfulness workshops, it can benefit the overall health of staff members and increase productivity.

Some of us may spend a large amount of our time at work, therefore our experiences may overflow into our personal life. This will have an impact on our relationships, with family, friends and loved ones. Not to mention with our own self-worth and confidence.

Below are some tips that can help you mind our mental health at work:

1. Reclaim back your lunch break

Making the most of your lunch break can boost your mood and impact positively on your day. One option is going for a walk. Now taking into consideration we live in Donegal, and it loves to rain in Donegal another suggestion would be to meet up with colleagues for lunch.

2. Join in

Participating as part of a team can give you a sense of achievement, especially when you complete a challenge. Some workplaces had clubs or groups, or take part in outside events. If there is any in your workplace?  Why not look think about setting one up?

3. Find your calm

We can all feel stressed at work. Sometimes this can be related to factors, such as deadlines, workload or co-workers. By listening to music, that makes you feel calm or happy, it can decrease your stress levels. Research shows that slow, quiet music can reduce anxiety.

4. Balance

Achieving a work/life balance can lower stress levels at work. Try to decrease long work hours, if it is increasing stress levels. Also by creating clear boundaries between work and your home life, it will allow you to leave work where it belongs.

5. Ask for help

It is okay not to feel okay and to ask for help. If you feel your work is impacting negatively on your mental help, try talking to your manager or HR department. Before doing so make some brief notes of how you feel and what areas of your work have been causing you concern.

If you feel that you cannot do this, talking to a counsellor can support you in managing stress at work.

Take Care ~ Sarah.