Pink Corner

slimming world

Incredible Teresa loses 5 stone in 8 months: “I can wear a pair of size 12 jeans again!” 7 years ago

Incredible Teresa loses 5 stone in 8 months: “I can wear a pair of size 12 jeans again!”

By  •  News

Teresa Gillespie is a busy mammy and granny who has successfully lost five stone!

After beginning her weight loss journey in June 2015, she reached her goal an unbelievable eight …
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Jennifer’s incredible weight loss transformation 7 years ago

Jennifer’s incredible weight loss transformation

Jennifer McAnaney has successfully lost two stone by following the Slimming World diet!

Along with mum Mary, Jennifer attends the Newtowncunningham group run by Anne Marie McGee and the unstoppable mammy/daughter …
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Mary drops 3 stone in 6 months: “If I can do it, so can you!” 7 years ago

Mary drops 3 stone in 6 months: “If I can do it, so can you!”

By  •  Life

Mary Mc Ananey lost 3 stone and 1 pound since joining Slimming World a little over six months ago.

Speaking about her transformation, Mary says; “I hate this before photo …
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Sarah didn’t let pregnancy get in the way of her weight loss goals! 8 years ago

Sarah didn’t let pregnancy get in the way of her weight loss goals!

Sarah Downes-Moen has lost a total of 2 stone and 7 pounds since December 2015, when her and her sister Emma decided to take the plunge and join Slimming World …
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