Pink Corner


Geraldine Mullan launches Amelia’s flight of HOPE to mark beloved daughter’s birthday 10 months ago

Geraldine Mullan launches Amelia’s flight of HOPE to mark beloved daughter’s birthday

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A big dream has taken flight for Moville woman Geraldine Mullan. 

This October, Geraldine will pilot a unique event at the Mullan Hope Centre in honour of her late daughter …
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Chef Brian and Brenda McDermott taste success at the Georgina Campbell Awards 6 years ago

Chef Brian and Brenda McDermott taste success at the Georgina Campbell Awards

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The McDermotts reopened the Foyle Hotel in Moville just a few months ago, but it has already picked up the Newcomer of the Year 2019 title in the highly-coveted Georgina …
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WATCH: Chef Brian’s top tips for the perfect turkey and ham 8 years ago

WATCH: Chef Brian’s top tips for the perfect turkey and ham

Brian McDermott is a chef from Moville who shares with us his top tips for creating the perfect turkey and ham this Christmas.

With Christmas just a day away, here’s some …
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