Pink Corner


Maria is a local blogger who writes about her own adventures & misadventures as a Thoroughly Modern Mammy.

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – First Steps and Last Firsts 6 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – First Steps and Last Firsts

By  •  Mammy

Next week, our Princess, like so many other Wobblers, will be taking her first steps into the big bad world without Mammy or Daddy.

Now starting Pre-school is not quite …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Fathers’ Day Perspective 6 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Fathers’ Day Perspective

By  •  Mammy

This column was harder to write than I had anticipated. Why? Because no matter what angle I approached it from, I found myself anticipating the negative comments from other people.

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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – How soon is too soon? 6 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – How soon is too soon?

By  •  Mammy

“Don’t tell anyone until you’re past the 12 weeks”

This statement has begun to bother me.  Of course, there are many reasons for such traditional views as these.  It’s a …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Is Different Wrong? 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Is Different Wrong?

By  •  Mammy

On Wednesday, I wrote a blog post on how an imaginary spider and a pair of knickers caused a post apocalyptic meltdown in my house before 7am. Read it here.

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New dads urged to apply for paternity benefit 7 years ago

New dads urged to apply for paternity benefit

By  •  News

Employed and self-employed fathers with the correct PRSI contributions are entitled to receive Paternity Benefit.

Paternity Benefit is available from the Department of Social Protection to parents of children born …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Happy Father’s Day 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Happy Father’s Day

By  •  Mammy

This column was harder to write than I had anticipated.


Because no matter what angle I approached it from, I found myself anticipating the negative comments from other people.

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S-Mum is a Thoroughly Modern Mammy 8 years ago

S-Mum is a Thoroughly Modern Mammy

By  •  Mammy

Want to know the Secrets of S-Mum?


The secret is…

THERE IS NO SECRET! There IS NO MAGIC PILL that turns you into a Practically Perfect in Every way …
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