Pink Corner


World Ovarian Cancer Day – the symptoms you need to know 5 years ago

World Ovarian Cancer Day – the symptoms you need to know

By  •  Health

Today, 8th May, is World Ovarian Cancer Day.

Termed the ‘silent killer’, today is about sharing the signs and symptoms of ovarian cancer and encouraging women to talk to their …
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Donegal woman joins rallying call for Lyme Disease recognition 6 years ago

Donegal woman joins rallying call for Lyme Disease recognition

Emma Doherty is part of a local delegation attending a Tick Talk Lyme Disease Awareness Rally on Wednesday 26th September in Dublin.

The Gleneely mother has had a new lease …
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Inspirtional nurse Aileen donates kidney to ill father 6 years ago

Inspirtional nurse Aileen donates kidney to ill father

Taking care of kidney patients was part of renal nurse Aileen Walsh’s daily routine; but when her previously very healthy father Seamus was diagnosed with end stage kidney failure, she …
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Watch: New HSE campaign casts light on dementia 7 years ago

Watch: New HSE campaign casts light on dementia

A new TV, radio and online advertising campaign to increase understanding and support for people living with dementia has been launched by the Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD, as …
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This Big Boob Run sounds like the ‘breast’ craic 7 years ago

This Big Boob Run sounds like the ‘breast’ craic

By  •  News

The Big Boob Run is a controlled and fun cycle around the Rosses on Sunday 16th July. The only requirement is that you wear pink or a pink bra – men …
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Putting the wheels in motion to spread a vital message 7 years ago

Putting the wheels in motion to spread a vital message

The Square Wheels cycling club based in the Moy will be cycling around the entire coastline of Northern Ireland and Donegal this July to raise awareness of the symptoms of …
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World MS day to highlight life with Multiple Sclerosis 7 years ago

World MS day to highlight life with Multiple Sclerosis

By  •  News

MS Ireland, the national organisation providing vital services, information and support to people with MS, is highlighting the challenges of life with MS including MS attacks, mobility issues, cognitive difficulties …
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Julie’s invisible pain that brings her to her knees 7 years ago

Julie’s invisible pain that brings her to her knees

By  •  Health

March 2017 is Worldwide Endometriosis month, presenting a cause for millions of women to speak out and raise awareness of the condition. Endometriosis affects an estimated 1 in 10 women …
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Watch: Inspirational teens bring a fresh understanding to Down Syndrome 7 years ago

Watch: Inspirational teens bring a fresh understanding to Down Syndrome

Yesterday for World Down Syndrome Day, Loreto Letterkenny students Anna Hennessy and Meg Carr published a video project to help people understand Down Syndrome.

The young friends showed in their own …
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Endo… what? – You need to know this about Endometriosis 7 years ago

Endo… what? – You need to know this about Endometriosis

By  •  Health

March 2017 is Worldwide Endometriosis month, presenting a cause for millions of women to speak out and raise awareness of the condition. Kathleen King has been living with Endometriosis for 28 years, ever …
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