The community in east Donegal is rallying around brave Castlefin cancer fighter, Maisie Simpson (13).

Just a few weeks ago, the GAA-loving teen was diagnosed with Lymphoma Cancer. Maisie is currently undergoing treatment in Dublin with her mum and dad, Louise and Paul Simpson, by her side all the way. 

To help the family defray the costs of their stay in the capital, friend Kayleigh Harte has set up a special GoFundMe page.

“She is the most positive little girl, taking everything in her stride, even after losing her beautiful, dark, long hair. She truly is an inspiration,” Kayleigh said.

“Whilst in Dublin, Maisie’s four siblings are being cared for by family whilst also still attending school, where I work with her auntie – someone who I have known since I was a teenager. So therefore a cause close to my heart. I am hoping that this fundraiser will help the family with any financial costs incurred throughout this time, may that be with travel, treatments etc. Any donations are greatly appreciated by myself and also the Simpson/McGrath Family.”

Up until recently, Maisie has been starring for the local Robert Emmet’s U14 GAA team.

“Maisie played for our u13s,u14s and u16s last year and gave her 100% in every training and match,” a club spokesperson said.

“Everyone at Robert Emmets is behind you Maisie and hope to see you back on the pitch in the near future. Below is a donation link for Maisie and her family to cover expenses. If you can support this donation, it would be greatly appreciated.”

To donate, click on the link HERE.