Letterkenny fashion blogger Emma Murray will be celebrating International Women’s Day in style with Independent Living Movement Ireland.
Emma has joined the line-up of influential speakers celebrating disabled women and their achievements.
ILMI is celebrating International Women’s Day with an event called Choose to Challenge on 8th March from 7.30pm-9pm. The event will feature a mix of drama, talks, art, poetry and more.
Email audreywilson@ilmi.ie to register, spaces are limited.
Independent Living Movement Ireland stands for equality for everyone and challenging the status quo.
On International Women’s Day, the event aims to raise awareness against bias and encouraging people to take action for equality. Supporters are being asked to show their challenging nature this March by engaging with the hashtag #choosetochallenge.
The line-up for the event includes:
An original drama piece by Sarah Fitzgerald

Sarah Fitzgerald is a Freelance Writer, soon to be author and advocate for equality and disability rights. Sarah is a proud mum to her beautiful daughter Alison, a wife, family member, worker and outspoken bastion for what is right. Sarah personifies righteousness rooted in reality, practical, always an insightful societal commentator and to top it all she really is a genuinely lovely soul a rare all-round good person. Her blog is regularly updated on wobblyyummymummy.com
Izzy Keane part of the sister duo powerhouse that is “izzywheels”

‘If you can’t stand up, stand out!’
Designer wheel covers for wheelchairs
Created by Irish sisters Izzy & @ailbhe.k
Izzy Wheels has been featured in Vogue, Cosmopolitan, Elle, The Oprah Magazine and TechCrunch and both sisters were featured in Forbes’ 30 Under 30 issue.
Emma Murray
Stylist & Content Creator

Emma is the owner and founder of ELM Social Media where she provides 1:1 training to fashion and beauty brands who want to elevate their social media and stand out online. She is a qualified personal and fashion stylist who has been in the fashion industry for 10 years and works with women through her styling business, Emma Murray Stylist by providing a virtual styling service. The E Style Academy will also be launching in the coming weeks where training courses will be available exclusively to women who would like to unlock their personal style and transform how they look and feel.
Nina Tame

Disability activist
Often wordy
Sometimes sweary
The Disabled Step-Mum you never knew you needed
Mary Collins Artist

Mary uses the medium of paint, inimitable flux and words to express ethos and concepts. Her visual works showcases space, representation, movement and time through many mediums especially her favourited water colour.
She says “My poetry, detailed in my book “The Circle” presents a twenty-five year journey through good days and bad”.
Mary is an expert in self advocacy and has also been involved in several other initiatives for independent living and through her peer focused approach has bolstered many community groups.
ILMI Choose to Challenge takes place from 7:30 – 9PM celebrating International Women’s Day on March 8th
Email audreywilson@ilmi.ie to register, spaces are limited.