Three more cases of delayed cancer diagnosis have been reported at Letterkenny University Hospital.

It brings to a total of 41 the number of cases of late diagnosis at the facility adding pressure for calls for an independent inquiry into cancer services there.

A review of gynaecology services at the hospital was ordered by the HSE after Dr Margaret MacMahon, an English-based consultant, highlighted a number of alleged missed cancers at the unit.

The review was led by consultant obstetrician Dr John Price and found serious failing at the hospital.

To date, the hospital has provided reports to 38 women or their families who suffered delays in their diagnosis.

Some of these families are not happy with the reports, with Dr MacMahon and the Irish Patients Association calling for an independent inquiry.

Saolta, the body which oversees the running of Letterkenny Hospital, confirmed three more cases of alleged delayed diagnosis have now been received.

A daughter of one of the 41 women to come forward spoke to the Sunday Independent about her mother’s situation.

Toronto-based Sinead Ni Bhaoill revealed how she felt so angry when she read a report into her late mother Bridget’s death.

Bridget, a nurse from Dungloe, was referred for urgent treatment in April, 2017 by her GP to Letterkenny’s gynaecological services.

She didn’t get her first appointment until one month and sixteen days later and didn’t have her first D and C investigation until nine months later on December 12th.

The following January, histology findings recommended a repeat D and C investigation which was not done until March 26th.

Her records show that cancer is noted on March 29th but daughter Sinead says it was not until April 30th that cancer was diagnosed.

Tragically Bridget passed away on September 23rd, 2019, aged just 63.

Sinead told the Sunday Independent “You have to put that anger somewhere. If you feel you can be productive and help other women, then that helps you.

“There are probably other people out there who are thinking ‘this is how cancer is found, it takes this long to get a cancer diagnosis.’ As long as they are not getting any results, they can say no news is good news,” she said.

“Hopefully other women will read this and will say “hang on a sec, maybe I should be questioning my treatment. Maybe I should be asking to look at my hospital notes to see what’s going on there.”