One of Donegal’s best-known figures in knitting will be featured on RTE’s Nationwide tonight in celebration of National Women in Enterprise Day.
Knitwear Designer Edel MacBride, who is based in Stranorlar, will be stitching together the story of her business for tonight’s show.

Edel MacBride. Image: @RTENationwide
Over the past 30 years, Edel has brought a love of textile, craft and cultural tradition to her fashion collections.
She is passionate about wool, especially local and Irish spun products but her pieces have a modern appeal and are collected internationally.
Tonight’s Nationwide will look at some of Edel’s creations, which are crafted to the highest quality, as well as looking at her business story, which will no doubt be full of interesting yarns and twists.
Tune into Nationwide on RTE One at 7pm to see the programme.