Try this sweet cup cake recipe for a taste of what to expect from the Cup Cake Fantasy Charity Show at Solis Lough Eske Castle Hotel.

Image @Farrenwide
Solis Lough Eske Castle Hotel are preparing for an event that has become a strong highlight on the calendar of fashion and food lovers.
The annual Cup Cake Fantasy Charity Show takes place this Sunday, March 5th at 7.30pm. It promises to be a high-style spectacle with a fantastic range of collections introduced by MC Noel Cunningham.
Participating stores this year are McElhinneys, Zuba, Magee of Donegal, Stella Boutique, The Irish House, Get that Trend, The Craze Menswear, Peters Manshop and All Sports.
As part of Solis’ commitment to supporting the local community they are raising funds for two great charities this year – Pieta House and Donegal Community Hospital Patient Comfort Fund.
Tickets are €20 and can be purchased in the hotel or any participating shops.
Guests will enjoy a delicious array of cup cakes served with speciality teas and coffees.
For a sneak peak of what to expect from the fabulous offerings, here is a recipe straight from Chef in the Castle kitchen.
Cup Cake Recipe from Solis Lough Eske Castle
Makes: 25
- 250g Caster Sugar
- 250g Soft Butter
- 200g/4 Eggs
- 250g Plain Flour
- 1/tsp Baking Powder
- 1 Lemon zest
Beat the Cream Butter and Sugar together in a bowl
Add the eggs (which are at room temp) a little at a time
Add the lemon zest or vanilla essence if preferred
Sieve the flour and baking powder together. Fold into the egg/butter mixture
Fill Muffin Cases 1/3 full
Bake in Preheated oven at 170’C for 17minutes
Remove from oven and allow to cool in Muffin tray
Cup Cake Frosting
- 200g Butter
- 400g Icing Sugar
- 1/tsp Vanilla Essence
Add food colouring or flavouring to achieve desired colour and taste.
If you want to sample a cup cake in the deluxe surroundings of the castle, with fashion, fun and fundraising. Come to the Cup Cake Fantasy Charity Fashion Show this Sunday. For tickets, contact Call (074) 972 5100 and visit for more.