Pink Corner

secrets of s mum

Maria is a local blogger who writes about her own adventures & misadventures as a Thoroughly Modern Mammy.

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Standing by your bed 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Standing by your bed

By  •  Mammy

To say that parenthood is an emotional roller coaster is a HUGE understatement.

It’s like someone has put every emotion you could possibly feel into a bottle, topped it up …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Thoroughly Feeling Old 7 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Thoroughly Feeling Old

By  •  Mammy

This weekend, Thoroughly Modern Mammy is Thoroughly Feeling Old.

Yesterday, my baby sister turned 18.

The BABY of the family is now an adult.  I’m not sure WHY her birthday …
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Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Bringing Baby Home 8 years ago

Thoroughly Modern Mammy – Bringing Baby Home

By  •  Mammy

Bringing Baby home is exciting and frightening in equal measure.  

Things I wish someone had told me:

 1) There’s no place like home.

Going home is …
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