Pink Corner


New BUMBLEance comes to the rescue for first Donegal baby 7 years ago

New BUMBLEance comes to the rescue for first Donegal baby

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Nine-month-old Oisin Boyle from Glenties was the first special ‘King Bee’ from the county to be taken on the Children’s Ambulance Service. Little Oisin, who has a brain disorder, travelled …
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BUMBLEance day for ‘Brave little sunshine’ Órán 7 years ago

BUMBLEance day for ‘Brave little sunshine’ Órán

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Xperia Hair & Beauty in Glencar Letterkenny are holding a fundraising weekend on Friday 10th – Saturday 11th February in memory of a brave Donegal boy.

Little Órán Nibbs (7) from Trentagh …
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How to recycle your old toys and phones to help sick children 8 years ago

How to recycle your old toys and phones to help sick children

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There are bound to be many old phones and tech devices discarded around homes this Christmas, as shiny new updates command our attention.

The BUMBLEance Children’s Ambulance Service collect used …
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