Cathy Kelly from Carndonagh has been awarded the title of Netwatch Donegal Family Carer of the Year.
Cathy is mum to four amazing children including Timothy (10) who has hydrocephalus and a profound learning disability and Lucy (14) who has severe cerebral palsy. Her older boys Lochan and Shay are both in college.
Cathy is the sole parent to her children following the tragic death five years ago of her beloved partner Kevin McElhinney in a work-related accident. She is a wonderful mother who works tirelessly every day for all her children, but particularly in caring full-time for Timothy and Lucy who have high dependency needs.

Pictured left to right are Lucy Kelly; Patricia Blee, Community Support Manager, Family Carers Ireland; Cathy Kelly, Netwatch Donegal Family Carer of the Year and Timothy Kelly.
Now in their 17th year, the Family Carers Ireland awards seek to honour all family carers while shining a light on the urgent need for greater recognition and support of those who go above and beyond in caring for their loved ones, often without the necessary support from the State including appropriate financial compensation, respite and vital therapies for their loved ones.
There are over 500,000 family carers in Ireland caring for children or adults with additional needs, physical or intellectual disabilities, frail older people, those with palliative care needs or those living with chronic illnesses, mental health challenges or addiction. Family carers play a critical role in our society and each week provide 19 million hours in unpaid work. If the State were to seek to replace this support, it would cost an astonishing €20 billion annually.