The Donegal Sexual Abuse & Rape Crisis Centre is launching a recruitment drive for volunteers to support clients in the community.
The voluntary organisation provides free support and a counselling service to both female and male survivors of rape and sexual violence in Donegal.
This summer, they are recruiting volunteers, aged 25 years and upwards to support and advocate for survivors in the aftermath of a sexual assault.

Volunteers are given full training which includes all the theory and practise required for the position.
Centre Manager Marina Porter said: “Our volunteers are an essential and integral part of Donegal Rape Crisis Centre and our work in suppporting anyone affected by sexual violence aged 12+. Our volunteers provide accompaniment to court for clients and also to SATU – the Sexual Assault Treatment Unit.
“As a registered charity, like every other charity without adequate resources we depend on the commitment and dedication of our volunteers who give their time to support those going through the most difficult and traumatic times. We would be unable to support clients without the support of our volunteers. Words are inadequate to describe the gratitude we and our clients have for our volunteers.”
The DSARCC provided 84 accompaniments last year.
Porter added: “We are not here to ‘fix’ anyone but our volunteers have the opportunity to sit with and provide companionship, comfort and information to a fellow human undergoing one of the most difficult experiences of their life. Volunteering is very fulfilling and can lead to new career paths.
“Volunteers receive 70 hrs of training on trauma, the law, SATU, our services, mindfulness and are shadowed at their first 3 calls outs as well as access to counselling as required and ongoing debrief. As members of the Rape Crisis Network of Ireland we can also provide free RCNI training – Court Accompaniment, Garda Accompaniment, Legal Updates and any additional training we may have access to. Volunteers are part of the organisation and have the opportunity to become part of our team.”
Applicants should live no further than 50 minute drive from Letterkenny.
It is essential that all volunteers are:
- Empathic, non-judgemental, respectful and reliable
- Good listeners with good communication and interpersonal skills
- Available to commit to 100% of Training Dates
- Able to draw on life experiences where they have been supported and/or have supported others
- Open to self-reflection and group work process
- Willing to follow guidelines and represent the charity in a positive manner
To register, or for more information, please contact the centre by email:
Tel: 00353857462538