What's your favourite thing about Donegal? Do you love the music? The craic? The sports? The scenery? A good Kinnegar or Football Special? Our Daniel?
There’s so much to love about life up here, isn’t it only right that we get a designated day to rave about it?
The team behind Donegal Connect have declared this Wednesday, 14th August as #LoveDonegal day.
The campaign aims to get as many people as possible around the world Tweeting and posting about our amazing county. Whatever you like about Donegal, this is the time to tag #LoveDonegal or #DúnnanGallAbú in your posts.

Sliabh League, Co. Donegal. Photo by Martin Fleming via Failte Ireland

Fanad Lighthouse. Photo via Tourism Ireland
It is hoped that everyone can get the county trending and showcase to the world how it is a wonderful place to visit, to invest in, to live in and be educated in.
#LoveDonegal is all part of Donegal Connect, which takes place from September 27th to October 6th 2019. The project will involve 10 days of events to showcase Donegal’s rugged beauty, food, culture, heritage, business and innovation to extend the county’s links around the world.
So if everyone acts together on 14th August and uses the #LoveDonegal or #DúnnanGallAbú hashtags, then Donegal could be a trending topic, highlighting the best of the county to the world.
You can post about whatever you like, maybe the travel in Donegal, the people, the scenery, the music, arts, sport, marine, business, culture, food or the Gaeltacht and the Irish language. Just don’t forget the hashtags!
Find out more at: http://www.donegalconnect.com/lovedonegal-twitter-day/
August 10, 2019
What’s a Kinnegar