From Vogue to Paris, Deirbhile Coyle is designing her own path to success in fashion.
Deirbhile Coyle has graduated in Fashion Design this year, but her work is already turning heads. She’s 23, from Gweedore, and her alternative style and vintage vibes make her stand out from the mainstream, while fitting nicely into the world of high fashion.
Circe, Deirbhile’s graduate collection, was featured on Vogue Italia this year as part of a focus on Talents from the Limerick School of Art & Design. These dreamy pieces will be just one of her stepping stones as she leaps out on her own.

Circe by Deirbhile Coyle
Donegal Woman talked to Deirbhile, who described her designs as she sees them.
“There is kind of a mystic value about them. I wanted to have a very feminine collection like a Femme Fatale style. I based the theme on Greek mythology studies.”
The blue and green colours and fluid fabrics of Circe carry a marine look, with cascading chiffon, georgette and soft feminine satins and velvet. The theme, Deirbhile says, is partly influenced by her home in Gweedore. “I would say a lot of my aesthetic would come from my home by the sea. I think it’s inbuilt in me.”
Another origin of Deirbhile’s creativity comes from her family. “Mum would have encouraged us to do arts and crafts. I would always be painting and ripping up jeans in my own way.”
Since finishing her degree this year, Deirbhile is enjoying her freedom through fashion. “I’ve done some small bits and pieces and I’m exploring through designs. At the moment I’m making my own coat with Magee Donegal tweed along with many other projects.” Below are some of Deirbhile’s most recent pieces.
When we think of real fashion we naturally think of Paris, which is where Deirbhile saw the hard grafting required to succeed. She interned with Irish designer Sharon Wauchob, spending up to 12-hour days working in her studio sewing and helping to create new textures.
Now, Deirbhile is starting an internship with a unique Irish childrenswear company. Hello Bezlo is a fashion line for girls inspired by STEM subjects. It’s for little girls who dream big, and Deirbhile is also dreaming of big things for her future.
“I want to have own business someday, and to do that I need to see the practicalities of running one first. Hello Bezlo is good for me because I’m getting to see how an Irish startup works before I do it on my own.”
The Circe collection will be sold in Om Diva from next week – a Dublin boutique that has a space for emerging Irish designers.