Personal Trainer Emmet Rushe explains why every diet works, until it doesn't!

Every diet works, until it doesn’t!

If that sounds confusing, it shouldn’t. In fact it’s pretty much true for every diet you have ever tried right up to reading this blog post.

Every diet has success stories.
Every diet claims that their diet works.
Every diet can say that theirs is the best because the people who follow it get great results.

But that’s the issue.

EVERY DIET says this and whenever the new kid on the block rolls around, it will be claiming that they are the best and DEFINITELY is the one that you should be following.

Chances are, it isn’t and it is probably the farthest from what you should be doing to actually get long lasting success.

One way to spot if a diet is wrong for you is this;

Does it have ‘diet’ in it’s name?

If it does, run away and run away fast.
Think about every diet that has been and gone, and there are a lot of them.

The cabbage soup diet
The low carb diet
The Zone diet
The low sodium diet
The Atkins diet
The Raw food diet
The gluten free diet
The Dash diet
The low fat diet
The south beach diet
The Macrobiotic diet
The Master cleanse diet
The dukan diet
The baby food diet
The 5 factor diet
The alkaline diet
The G.I Diet
The Paleo diet
The Volumetrics Diet
The MIND Diet
The Vegan diet

The list goes on and on.

While some of these have some merit and they can be extremely beneficial to those who can adhere to them, the issue is when you think that it FINALLY has to be THE ONE that will HELP your weight issues.

And it won’t, if you can’t stick to it long term.

If you have just about maxed out the list above and you are still looking for the next diet to help you, it’s time to stop!

Listen, I get it.

Losing weight is hard, really hard, and every time you start one of these diets and it eventually goes the same way as the others did, it pushes you farther back.

It leaves you with the feeling that you will NEVER lose the weight.

And if you keep going down this track, I’m afraid that you never will!

Every diet works, until it doesn’t!

Therein lies the problem with diets.

Here’s a scenario for you.

The next time a new diet comes out that everyone is talking about, or another celebrity has endorsed.

You will start this new diet with enthusiasm and a belief that this one will be THE ONE!

Your 1st week is hard, but there is some movement on the scale.

The weekend is tough, because everything you enjoy has been removed and you stayed in the house in case of slipping up.

Week 2 is tougher as the cravings for being so rigid over the weekend kicks in.

You get to the weekend of week 2 and manage to get through it while still on track.

Your weight loss on week 2 isn’t as much as on week 1?

Why not, when you were so good for 2 weeks?

Week 3 is really tough. Your cravings are skyrocketing and your mood is low.

You get to Friday and the thought of another weekend isn’t appealing at all.

You decide to weigh yourself to give yourself a boost.
After all it’s almost 4 weeks now and you have been a saint, so the scale should reflect this.

You have an extra pound off and you lose it.

One extra pound for a full week of dieting??

Your weekend ends up off plan and you can’t see yourself starting back on Monday.

I’ve seen this scenario so many times, you probably wouldn’t believe me if I told you.

Why does it happen so often?

It happens for 2 reasons.

  1. The diet is wrong for you and your starting point.
    It’s too strict, has too many restrictions and doesn’t take your life into consideration.
  2. You have no idea what good progress is and are always disappointed by the number the scales gives you.

How do you succeed with these 2 barriers in your way?

For your diet to work, it should give you the most progress possible with the least amount of upheaval.

This means that you should be implementing small changes into your daily life that will cause progress and still allow you to have a life at the same time.

Needless to say, the extreme quick fixes aren’t what we are going for here.

Changing habits
Adding in healthier options
Drinking more water
Exercising on a regular basis
Eating more protein
Eating more vegetables
Reducing alcohol consumption
Reducing processed foods and junk foods.

These are all things that can be implemented on a bi-weekly basis in order to bring better habits into your life.

No eliminations, but no excesses either.

This alone will cause greater changes long term than a quick fix that fails on the first hurdle.

Part 2 is to do with what good progress is.

For weight loss, aim for 1-2 pounds per week and allow for your menstrual cycle to interrupt this each month.

If you have a smaller amount to lose, aim for the lower end and if you have more to lose aim for the upper end.

So that’s between 3 and 6 pounds per month and that is great progress.

If you think it’s too slow, go back and read this article again, because it didn’t sink in.

That rate of weight loss would give you between 36 and 72 pounds lost in one year.

That isn’t just great, it’s fantastic.

You have to be realistic when it comes to weight loss.

If you have tried every diet under the sun,
it’s time to start using methods that will help you to reach your goals, teach you how to do that along the way and also help you to keep what you lose forever.

This is exactly what we teach the members in our Lean in 2018 system. It’s our LADIES ONLY online plan that you can do from home.

Click the link to learn more about how you could reach your goals this year.